Saturday, May 29, 2010

Networked autos and the killer app

When cars talk to each other , what is the big deal?

Straight to the point, I think it is vehicle swarming. The idea that like minded travelers can have their cars coordinate movements with feedback to the drivers. They can manually "convoy" their vehicles on summer vacations. Synchronizing a bit might save them 10% on mileage due to constant speed. The concept will be a must have for truckers.

Cars that talk to each other quickly gain by talking to central traffic control and buying right of way. They get another 10% off the top in the city for that. Networked cars gain from efficiency, a gain returned right back to the buyer of the little dashboard device. Early adapters gaining from pay per mile, driving congestion pricing.

Which company wins the battle of the swarming cars? The company that has the best Navigation Logic. They can show a reliable software path from the Rules of Bot Driving to implementation. Open Software has the edge here due to transparency.

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