Friday, December 31, 2010

Before dismissing sunspots

Before science can deal with sunspots, science has to know how long the sun has been sporting the 11 year cycle.  A billion years of a very weak sunspot cycle would accumulate a consistent but subtle period process in the biosphere, or ocean currents; equivalent to the effect of a million years of cycles with stronger magnitudes. Information theory only requires the effect be informative. Look for the dual process, look for earth processes that may be slight but strongly periodic with the cycle. It is rate*size, not just size.

If Matrix theory is correct, then it is precision, there would be no other absolute measure in physics. Particles and frequency appear only to the extent that they determine the most precise set of bounded functions. The physical constant to look for is a constant precision, the bounded, finite functions being just precise enough to define an expansion constant. A fixed precision that is scale invariant, always finding sufficient effects to measure.

In economics, we would be concerned that the economy measures sunspots, not whether sunspots are strong.

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