Saturday, October 29, 2011

An ontological study of economic blogs

Right here. Making the rounds. All the talk on the webosphere at the moment.

How would the Imagisoft ontology engine handle this? Why one could tag all the globs on the Economic Round Table, add in the major blog not listed, keep tagging economic blogs. The semantic enalyzer would chew through these blogs, extracting the unquoted text.
Aside: Right away we want some agreement between bloggers and the analyzer. When text is unquoted, it is your own, the original.
But anyway, the machine chews through the blogs creating the economic blog raw mesh. That mesh slowly morphs, it grows a canonical semantic map that links into the mesh. The construction of the map is defined by click through statistics.

An open ontology engine operating with graph morphing rules, might semantically mesh both Wiki and the economic blogs, identifying proper names and gradually settling on wiki format for bios. That kind of migration would be driven by click thrus. Both readers, authors and the semantic search graph reach a maximum entropy encoding of the underlying mesh.
HT Mankiw

Imagisoft, where we imagine better things!

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