Monday, October 24, 2011

Semantic blogging can run your start up

In the rush to start a new business, the simple act of keeping records often gets put on the back burner. But poor record keeping has been the demise of many otherwise successful businesses.

The entrepreneur needs clear and accurate records to help manage the challenges of the startup. These records can help manage cash flow and will provide financial statements that can help monitor the progress of the new venture.

The IRS expects even the smallest of businesses to document deductible expenses and support all items reported on tax returns. Jeff Cornwall 

This is where the Imagisoft semantic web kit works its magic. The spenders in the start up should just keep a blog of their activities. An informal agreement among the parties about some common financial terms, and voilà, the Imagisoft semantic ontology indexing make Financial records extractable from the company net.

How can my company get one!!! You say!

Well its simple, my staff at Imagisoft will read reviews, and test the existing software components that create this system. In doing so, link magic and my 300 readers will create this product by click thrus. Watch, its simple.

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