Tuesday, January 27, 2015

An approach to the fundamental theorem of everything

Start with Brownian motion.

Now the goal is to make a Poincare group with some finite number of primes, a finite number of rules on primes, a finite approximation to Pi and a finite approximation to e^(1/Dt).

Start with defining 1/Dt to be the precision needed such that Lebesque and Ito have the same precision.

Then define a finite number of actions which combined make a prime set as in:

Where x is 1/Dt, and n is the number of dimensions by which particles can interact. That polynomial, finite, defined the number of primes.

Now we define a mapping between the integer number line and x^2, which may not be compact. And we define N/p(x,Dt), to be the number of Poincare angles around the group ring needed to allocate all the particles N.  Then Pi is the curvature approximated by those angles. Pi*Dt is the space needed for a prime of size (1/DT)^i, as set up by the polynomial above.

Then, the mapping of x^2 defines a naming sequence, S1.S2.S3.. in which the group of primes defined in the polynomial can be arranged 1,2,3.. at a time. The sequence of x^2 should mark points along a radial out from the center of Poincare. The angles need to be common multiples of 360/N.

Once all those are matched, we have the precision  (= ergodicity) matched to the divergence (=entropy), and that yields the mapping which becomes the motion as defined in Schramm-Lowener.  The result, I think, is that the polynomial becomes an additive set from Phi, as defined by the graph over which Markov has his domain.

The dual driving set in Schramm Lowener should be one the inside of the particle which keeps the Poincare driving function constrained outside. We get a sort of calculus of groups, and that is going to drive semantic processing across the web. This is a real big deal, it ultimately is the calculus of theorems.

Is this difficult? For me, yes.  But for Bill Gates all we need is about $100 million to pay our best mathematicians and they will crack this case. This is critical, it defines the fundamental theorems of math or a very long time, longer than the time to develop AI, and we would like to have this done before the singularity? I see real interesting connections in the Wolfram site on Wythoff array, I know these folks are close.

 How about it, Bill, find these folks, make a foundation, do some real good for humanity, what say?

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