Sunday, October 9, 2016

Here is the user interface for the spread sheet composer

A screen shot of the spread sheet when I work on a tab score.  The whole sheet is not visible, but the sheet below will be a transformation of the sheet above.  Notice the six ledger lines with guitar notes listed.  There are six of those, hence the movescore macro will treat this like three rows of measure, each six lines tall, and measures are 4 beats, so we have four going across.  Hence, the composer is not limited to some fixed template, but each line of a measure will have one ledger note.

How efficient am I?

Well, there is enough here to get a college music major through upper division theory  A student could take this to under graduate level research, fairly easily.  I put this together in five days, and it has everything I will need for years of guitar work. I know geek, but I have this problem, 'Does not work well with others',

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