Saturday, October 22, 2016

I got the python bug

The functions on my redneck debugger are working, and it is becoming a bit useful since I know the quirks.  No code is executed from the text box, that widget is used only for display and symbol selection.  Everything runs from the original string the source was loaded into.  Thje Pythin call backs work, break are currently disabled but mostly work. ANd it comesin at 250 lines of code.

My next step, should I take it, is to create or steal a simple code display.  Basically what I want is is a scrollable label window,an editor that works directly on a byte array..  Use a square code font, work straight from the code that is running.  Easy to modify the label text since all computations are quantized to a fixed character size. Selecting and scrolling is not a real problem, but someone must have already done this.

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