Friday, October 14, 2016

Python is not well supported on Windows

I spent time searching and trying out some of the Python debugger tools.  The Python industry io scattered, confused, and n one of the geeks make money selling software.  It is an open software mess.

But Python is still a good idea, but I am stuck using the pdb modules for command line debug, I won't risk the, literally days, I need  to set up some ad hoc, unsupported debugger on Windows.

By the way, Windows software studio, there standard development GUI, it has become a geek heaven of hundreds of menu items, each on with a specif short cut key set.  OK, so, I am going to learn 100 different key stroke sequences?  No, Microsoft is lettingt hat go, no one is paying attention to Visual Studio, and the geeks have ruined it.

Do you know Python, they ask.

Complete horse shit. I you have worked c, Basic or Pascal, then you will know Python within the day.  When they ask the question, they really mean, are you the one person in the world who can set up a Python environment on windows.

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