Thursday, November 3, 2016

How does the collective find out about hop costs?

I look for every reason to pick on Walmart.  Here is the scenrio.

Guy takes a cab to Walmart, goes to the kiosk in front of the store and orders bike tires, with his smart card.  No need to go insider, the there are clerks that grab the items and bring them out.

In the room full of bery expensive trading pit boxes, purchased from me, he bot collective will price in the net hop coun t for kiosk shopping, and pricing will minimizeho count over the aggregate.

How do these shoe boxes do  this, for only 20 grand each? Folks, everyone has the smart card, and the green/red, everyne  in the supply chain.  The bots in Walmart closet will ease ut the Walmart hops.

Here is the real secret, it not in  queue balancing, but the deep dark hidden secret.  Walmart moves the check out counters and kiosks now and then, they do fermion statistics; the bus stations move slowly as the passenger habit change. How? They run in  the red for a while and discover innovations. Innovations ar when the red light indicator missed a better queue.  Like  two human  pit traders trading places to reduce step count, they momentarily correct the Red/Green function, exchanging places and requantizing the Pit.

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