Friday, November 3, 2017

Already been nuked by the Chinese Commie rats and their pals

After 200 people were reportedly killed following a series of tunnel collapses at a North Korean nuclear test site, AccuWeather is now warning that winds could carry leaked radiation from the area toward northern Japan.Heightened concerns about radiation contamination reaching Japan come as The Asahi Shimbun, a Japanese newspaper, and others report "there are indications that North Korean soldiers are being treated at a hospital for radiation exposure" from "Pyongyang's six nuclear tests at its Punggye-ri site," which "have weakened the mountain in the area to such an extent that radioactive substances could spew out from the next test."

The USA can help Xi spread the fallout around the world.  Just ask Trump, he will drop a few nukes on Kim and get the ball rolling. 

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