Registering your smart cash card.
The bank notary verifies your biometrics. Then you are given a word search page and sent to the booth. You circle 20 random five character sequences, while your trezor is plugged in. The paper enters the machine and comes out as a sealed envelope, but your trezor is up and running. The bank insures the envelope, and gets a bunch of your accounts.
Here is another.
Trezor comes with a diskette. Unplug your computer from the network and boot with the diskette. Then choose your 20 words with trezor plugged in. Your wallets gets partially inited, and you get a coded print out which you snail mail back to Trezor. When they have the paper code in their vault, your wallet is activated via the net.
The diskette itself can record and register your biometrics with the wallet, locally. Only it can do this because the diskette is encoded with a secret key inside the wallet, unobservable by human. So, initializing, paper recovery and human notary all happen in a registration process, not the foundry or bank.
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