Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Solving the quantum mechanical fiscal theory

In the last part on quantum mechanics, I proposed the Fisher equation was a Hamiltonian, and it be matched against a finite polynomial in fundamental tradebook uncertainty.We have voters buying, politicians selling; and uncertainty is bound to the local political machines.  

The solution is in index space, our assumption reveal the condition of a finite spectrum solution with opportunistic renomralizations. Further is was a rational approximation  of the best seller/buyer match for the complete sequence yielding a bounded bit error.  This thesimlest case, ground almost zero in the Markov tree, the first node in the bottom branches of the thing, the smallest window size, thethirdcolor issimolynthematching error function,

Why color model?
Transactions are generated from semi independent random sequence generators. Inverted these generator generate a uniform, bound index, the actual integer naming a particular trading opportunity.  All nodes in the distribution have partial visibilityof trade space, and wil opportunistic jump on a trade opportunity, as long as the observed gai is greater than tradebook uncertainty.

The solution is adiabatic if the distribution net cen adapt, node by node, without exceeding the published matching error bound. All generators in the channel attempt to keep the index uniform, white; and they each come with tinted trades.  Whitening the index space means it is counting uniform random, well greased.

The mechanism is like a Shannon message encoding where three independent message encoders share the same bandwidth.  The solution makes each generator share bandwidth according to their rank, at balance. At that point, an algebra exists over the generator that supports quotient ring.

We deal with the simplest case, two trading classes bidding for government transactions, up and down the chain.  But inverted is reads like government agents trying to change containers size and keep index space white.   Shannon information sace and the quark concept of white have a connection, both ultimately going back to rational approximation theory.

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