Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Three cheers for the amateur mathematician

Decades-Old Graph Problem Yields to Amateur Mathematician

Far out, cool and all, The amateur figured out a five coloring graph formula. I will be reading this one, hunting for any sandbox clues, like a five colored pit.  I thought it were impossible. But think it, a five currency auto adjusted portfolio manager. That would be the jackpot, you would own the FX world.

Aubrey de Grey, a biologist found we need at least five colors to separate points in a plane.  They must be equidistant. In our world equidistant means queues at the nodes are stable over any node by node isomorphism.  We would ask that the graph be partitioned into five generators which can color the common interface white, uniform finite random. We get an approximation of the problem asking how rarely does any generator  produce same color on adjacent index spaces.

This goes back to quarks, and ultimately quasars, graph coloring.

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