Friday, October 25, 2019

Interest expenses going up as rates go down

We can see the relationship between deficit and interest charges. They move together but the effect on interest charges is greatly filtered down to smooth. This is a result of a value added network called the primary dealer system, essentially a low pass smoother for government interest charges.

Look at the very end, interest charges are turning up even as interest rates remain low. The primary dealer program cannot hold out, it is suffering defections.

The primary dealers are all from large investment banks that hold bitcoin. They know, nearly exactly, the relationship between bitcoin prices and their decisions in real time in the meetings.  They cannot do their job unless they hedge bitcoin as part of the debt planning  because they effect bitcoin hedges.

That is a three color hedge. They are not equipped unless Treasury holds bitcoin.  We are at a Coasian contradiction, Treasury and the NSA and the central bankers will be biting the bullet on this, as Carney of BOE fame says. They have to strike a deal, they need autohedging and that means digital bearer assets.

Bitcoin is the natural N-color auto-hedging service because the entry and exit queues are market priced, they have no worry about cheaters with 'Proof of work' ledger. It is really attempting to be a quantum computer simulation, and doing  damn good job of it.  But at any given time, the queue size for entry and exit in bitcoin should be close to the relative discount rate of one currency to another The bidirectional path of two currencies will be optimally set on transaction size so as to minimize transaction count and keep up with central bankers. This is market pricing of miner services. Sandbox theory covers all this.

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