Saturday, October 12, 2019

Putin is in the same pickle

An internal U.S. government readout obtained by CNN also revealed that Mazloum told Roebuck he has considered gaining the support of another foreign power in place of the U.S. "I've been holding myself for two days from going to the press and saying that America abandoned us and that I would like you to get out of our areas now so that I can invite Russia and regime planes to take over this airspace," Mazloum said. "Either you stop this bombing on our people now or move aside so we can let in the Russians.
Putin would face the S500 and Turkish F16s. So Putin needs to get an agreement in engagement rules with Turkey. Bashar is flat on his back, and dumber than shit anyway, like the Iraqi leaders.

If the Kurdish general invites Bashar then he has given up dreams of Syrian partition. That means Kurdish semi-autonomy and balance of powers is needed.  None of the Arabs have the Ice Gene, they do not get balance of powers.  Kurds are fucked, they are due for hundreds of years of chaos while dumbshit Arabs get clues.

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