Thursday, October 3, 2019

The more likely Biden plot

Joe was bitching at Ukrainian corruption precisely because his kid wanted to clean the company.

In his plot, Hunter had the inside track on the job. He knew the company wanted to clean up and sell gas legitimately. The company had already hired the respectable US lawyer.  So, Hunter influences his dad to hurry up the anti-corruption campaign so as to get the job salary up, way up.

The company benefits from anti-corruption, the market opens up. For the company to pay 1.5 million to a director that can get the lead out, and make the sales happen, this is money well spent. 

We see this pattern among the kids, they form consulting companies, then push policy with their parents. It sounds fine and dandy to me, actually, like a good idea.

I know, in my heart, that there must be a nefarious Biden side, but I still cannot really find it. And he is a bit humorous.

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