Sunday, February 16, 2020

No, we end up with pure digital liquidity

Mapping out the Banking Elite’s Goal for a Cashless Monetary System –

Steve Guinness in part one of 'cashless' central banking.  He will reveal his discoveries in part 2.

But I tell you now, we will get pure, digital bearer assets as long as contracts work.  On the trader side, he has a bot, and that bot, under proper contract limitations, be be insured to avoid double spending without ever leaving the digital system. The bots can encapsulate and protect the permissioned ledgers without using the ledgers.   Thus the counter parties can swap the currency one on one all they want, but the bots carry the passwords needed to re-register on the block chain, and the trusted miners are none the wiser. that digital bearer assets have been used.

The government needs biometrics to enforce the permissioned ledger calls.  But if we have biometric cards, then we have counterfeit proofed smart cards and we get bearer assets any way.  Governments are stuck, pinned against the wall on this. 

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