Wednesday, February 19, 2020

TONY SHAFFER, illiterate dunce at the Hill

Donald Trump is ending endless war
President Trump promised to end the reckless foreign intervention of the United States over the past two decades, and he is keeping that promise. Reports indicate that he is closer than ever to fulfilling this by bringing a satisfactory end to the longest war in American history. After years of negotiations, the Taliban appears on the verge of signing an accord that would pave the way for a reduction of hostilities, a settlement on the future of Afghanistan, and a withdrawal of American troops.

Not quite, Tony, if you try reading the news.  Trump just declared war on three Middle East nations, Iraq, Syria and Iran, who all together have deployed 1.5 million troops across the battle ground, aligned against our 4,000 troops now hiding in caves in Iraq.

Our commanders on the ground, being almost as dense as  Tony, send out a patrol the next day to find them surrounded by one of the Syrian armies and the yanks would have been shot to the ground if the Russians had not intervened to defuse the situation. The Russians? Odd, Trump just declared war on them too.  Troops in Iraq have no where to go, they are hiding in caves can't go anywhere withi8u fear of a drone, truck bomb or rocket.  Trump got about a hundred of them blown out of their army base.

I think The Hill should require literacy tests to eliminate bonehead like Tont Shafer. And, by the way, Trump is likely to become splatted if he goes anywhere other than a secure cave. No nation in the world is going to take the risk of inviting Trump only to end up with a mess of trump blubber spread over their streets, and, by the way, most of us could care less he caused his own problems. Taxpayers have no plan to join his new Vietnam fiasco.

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