Saturday, February 15, 2020

So change the world order

About half of us would prefer the other world order.  Just look at the debt losses Trump incurs via bad management.  Why not have someone else in charge of world finances, someone with brains unlike our defense secretary.

George Will is still hanging around:

The Senate’s Self-Degradation Is Even More Depressing Than Trump’s Misbehavior

And what does George propose?  Nothing much except complain, but that gets us no where when Arkansas is electing nut cases like Tom Cotton.  When George has an actionable solution, besides philosophizing, then call me.

Here is some more government stupidity for George to ponder:

Klobuchar, Steyer are stumped on Mexican president’s name

"Can you tell me his name?" Klobuchar was asked by a reporter. 
 “No,” the three-term Minnesota senator said.

Steyer, a billionaire businessman, said he “forgot.” 
 Buttigieg was the only one of the three participants to correctly name the Mexican leader. The Klobuchar campaign didn't immediately respond to a report the candidate left the interview before it was scheduled to end.
We call him AMLO for short.  Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador. Obrador being the Spanish term for Failed Stater.

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