Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Consider sandbox messaging

 Along with the dying mall business.

We create a business called the mall token payment system. It is a stable coin, purchased and sold at the entrance to the mall. We guarantee that mall tokens held are a bounded, published variant, like monetary reserves. In their trade, then, all mall merchants will accept stable coin since its transaction costs are lower than the efficiency gains.

What efficiency gains? Consider the cost of mall security, the scofflaw queue.  That is a known market price. But there is one major difference. The customer can stand outside the mall and observe the cops her is renting, he is shopping off the shelf for cops. The price of cops is right there, on his smart phone, i is part of the consumer contract, it is a closed, public market. Any arbitrage shortly snuffed.

We want Swift banks to compete in this business, but not with Fed taxes and rules.

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