Monday, December 14, 2020

So the standard S/L

 The pi boss is really the Kelly better. Most of the traders don't attempt to hedge the pit boss, it always has a half step. They jostle for position in the S/L as needed to route themselves through the day, basically paying congestion fees. The idea is that any innovations in congestion are equally surprising to the S/L traders, except the pit boss gets first bet. One can imagine running a small stable coin S/L among the closed set of pedestrians in the commercial district. It could easily be made compatible with the current POS systems. It is just a payment service, strictly speaking, it allows med to get coffee first while the guy in back debates a cheaper price. I have instantly exchanged places, and he is third, and by the time het gets to the counter I have dumped some pennies into his account. It happened right on time because he was stuck on third, the service free and automated, and I know those spots from self sampling relative prime theory. It is closed. It was him, me, or one of those two  at the tea shop.

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