Friday, December 4, 2020

Spectral and spatial

 When I think about this balanced government I see lines of people at different, connected government retail store, but I know spin, start and end. 

But the transaction times are slow. I take a big chunk to get through college, it is six years at work before you 401k is stable. At each point in the board game, some agents is in line.

Match them up. If we have regime reversion every 16 years, then what say we make the issue all about the next double spending contract? And leave the fiats their freedom? For a monopoly fee? Any why not get a new senator three shots at the revenue sharing deal to do his job right?

Fixing these core congestion points lowers waits everywhere, folks can update their plans on a 15 year basis, maybe have two sound careers with greater accuracy.

Note, I am not even counting the multiplier of free the fiats, that is a whole other great deal, especially for poor and middle class.

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