Saturday, December 19, 2020

Spectre proofing at the foundry

Microsoft is reportedly developing its own ARM-based chips for Surface PCs

Some of the kids their read my blog and got a clue. We get a mix of the distributive an centralized when we can be provable down to the thumb print. This frees the bots, a bit, economies scale can happen at all levels in digital transactions.

Each software platform wants to control the software chain from instruction cache to public ledger. I suspect there is some getting of clues happening inside the NSA.

For the NSA the problem is simple. They need prior agreement on what constitutes a valid secret warrant. violators are better off captured with forensic analysis when the vast majority of us do not mind being spied on. It is economies of scale, adding in the cost of managing secret keys goes way down with voluntary compliance. 

Same for central banks.  Given the vast majority will not be laundering money, just give us the hundred in petty cash and focus on forensic accounting for the big money. The regulation costs go way down as there is little to regulate in petty cash.

Bloggers expect to be spied on, so let us have petty cash for on the spot purchases, and spy on us in bulk.

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