Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Obama better than Bubba?

I criticize the guy, but check the record. He started with a mess, and has recovered from the mess with a miniscule down turn. No Republican could have pulled it off, and this may be a better recovery than Bubba was an expansion.
Who gets credit?
Obama had the right instinct. Government imbalanced.  He escaped the Keynesians, and may have beaten Bubba himself.

Obamacare scared us. But the numbers came in. Its cost is within the circle of lunacy.  Currently, smaller deficit, upward surprises in growth, and the three trillion in loose currency is not so scary. He sequestered and taxed, we survived the latinos, we cut the deficit. The numbers are getting bigger, inflation lower?

We can grow velocities up, and still have low inflation, higher growth.  The clue? Increasingly balance government spending.
So, go ahead and rank them for economic performance.  Tell me Obama is not number one.

Creo que Obama tuvo el mejor desempeño económico en los últimos 35 años.

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