Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Republicans have caused every single recession in the last 35 years!

Look at Bill Clinton's recession in 2002, it was revised away! Bean counters discovered Bill did even better than was initially measured.  Obama's downturn was the first quarter of this year, a 2% negative print, half due to weather.  That was it, it did not even qualify as a recession.  The deficit is now 2.8% of GDP, and no Republican has ever gotten the deficit that low in 35 years, except lil Bush bet he crashed the economy, and left office with a deficit of 10% GDP.
Obama will get the defict lower than lil Bush

Lil Bush had run the deficit up to 10% of GDP as the economy crashed on his watch, before Obama was in office. That was the worst recession, the second worse was Reagan, who could not even help himself, he ran government spending to its highest post war level, ran interest costs to 24% of the federal budget, ran federal employment up to the highest post war level, and caused one massive and one minor recession.  The Bush the Bigger, has his recession before Clinton took office. Notice, the 2002 grey bar should be removed and Bill Clinton outperforms every Republican, Obama coming in second place. The  Reagan record is simply Communist, no other words describe. Bush the Bigger, barely a dent.

Every single recession was caused by Republican Big Government Communists, every last one of them. The Republican Party has not even attended their first session and already they are planning a huge debt fiasco and a super depression.  Can we do the election over again? Please, the nation needs centrist Democrats.

And the friggen Tea Party has no right to co-opt that name as a front for what they actually are, Royalty Loving, Socialist rats. And the Tea Party complains about Mexico? Mexican unemployment is about 5.2%, folks,  as good as Texas. Their population expansion is about the same as ours, and they are much smarter than most Californians.  Mexico is our friend, California and Texas consider Mexico a sister nation. So Tea Party bums back in the East Coast of Swamp better get used to the South West, we are not paying Tea Party welfare payments anymore. We all might be leaving the union.

I would consider is Treason for any Texan to run for the Presidency of the Swamp.

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