Sunday, November 2, 2014

Entropy: "Number of bits needed to transmit a message"

Says wiki, sounds OK to me. in physics bits is replaced with degrees of freedom.  And there would be one degree of freedom per 'bit'. And we can use equipartiion theorem. Except that the degrees of freedom can be adjusted to the amount of energy.

In Shannon, take the noise and divide into total power (signal plus noise) of the channel; take the log and we get the maximum allowable entropy.  But a lower entropy message can be encoded for fewer bits and  minimum redundancy is obtained.  Minimum redundancy makes this a tangent space, I think. Add that concept to equiparition.
So how would a Lucas atom go from a low quantum set to a larger quantum set? The nucleus has to give up some 'intert' like things.  Inert thingies allow the added quant to be sustained for minimum redundancy. What are inert thingies? Likely related to Higgs thingies.
I guess that means coth and tanh are always within one fuzzy unit of invertable. And the orbitals are the equations of a compressible bubble bobbing in a spherical gradient of bubbles.  Pick sign and direction and we have a bubble that rotates to make its surface dimples match the gradient lines. I reckoj the bubble size may be normalized to match trig functions, though not sure.  But the rate of rotation of the electron bubble should be the second derivative and it adjusts radius. At each end of the spectrum the electron is either flat (degenerated)  or perfectly spherical, 4/3* pi r^3 = r having two roots, ignoring the negative root. The electron either sinks  or floats, rotates either left or right with coth, depending on sign convention. Otherwise, I am still a bit confused, as usual.

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