Friday, November 7, 2014

Will the Republican Communist Party run up the debt?

Well, they do not have the presidency of DC, so they will have a more difficult time.  But have we ever known any Republican president in the last 40 years who has not run up the debt and crashed the economy? Reagan did it badly, lil Bush did it. And a quick look shows us that Bush the daddy did it.

The only president who did not run up the debt was Bill Clinton, and we had nearly 6 years of sustained growth at 4% a year, lower deficits, and the most successful economy in 50 years. In fact, the mild recession at the end of his presidency was revised away, take a look, growth was actually positive in the 2001 recession. Bean counters figured out Bill was not one of those damned Communist Republicans.

So let's all hold our breath and hope the Republican Communists in the Senate have now figured something out. I doubt it, Republicans  are committed Communists.

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