Saturday, October 1, 2011

Jobs, jobs, jobs

If we lower transportation costs in the last mile of delivery using deliverbot, then the transaction coss of a personal product drop dramatically.  Yes, lets talk about my version of Brad Templeton's idea of deliverbot. This little hybrid is a flat body vehicle that carries 1 sq ft packages, and delivers them curbside.  It can do that for a buck over a square mile radius.

So, you see, if my specialty is, say french pastry, then all I need is 200 housholds in my square mile who by $40/ month.Delivery costs might be $8 dollars from that household flow. My cash flow is 8,000 / month. Dropping transportation costs greatly reduces he cost of specialization in the information age.

Households can pick and choose services, some just purchasing laundry services on line.  For a buck, my service can deliver my clean work clothes and breakfast to my curb.  Boo times in small scale production and services.

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