Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Martin Wolf sells horse manure

Donald Trump embodies how great republics meet their end
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hat is one to make of the rise of Donald Trump? It is natural to think of comparisons with populist demagogues past and present. It is natural, too, to ask why the Republican party might choose a narcissistic bully as its candidate for president. But this is not just about a party, but about a great country. The US is the greatest republic since Rome, the bastion of democracy, the guarantor of the liberal global order. It would be a global disaster if Mr Trump were to become president. Even if he fails, he has rendered the unthinkable sayable.

Complete BS.  The republic is failing because Detroit and Chicago are bankrupt and we need mass migration out of those states.  The republic is failing because every time we have a hick up in growth, California pension becomes unsustainable and it takes us four years to correct the mess.  The republic is failing because neither Texas nor California have a fair Senate representation.  Add in the middle class taxes from Obamacare, and the American consumer is dead.  All of these problems derive from the bonehead  Magic Walrus assumptions, of which Wolf is a leading proponent.

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