Saturday, March 12, 2016

Stuart Russel, you are backwards

Yahoo: AlphaGo's triumph "shows that the methods we do have are even more powerful than we first thought," said AI expert Stuart Russell of the University of California's Berkeley Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences department.
"The fact that AI methods are progressing much faster than expected makes the question of the long-term outcome more urgent," he told AFP by email.
"It will be necessary to develop an entirely new discipline of research in order to ensure that increasingly powerful AI systems remain completely under human control... there is a lot of work to do."

Not so.  The goal is to keep humans completely out of the AI network. It is humans who are dangereous, and look no further than the institutional racism of our governments, the attempt by Kanosians to distort pricing, and the public sector burdens on the economy.  AI holds the promise of cutting through the human corruption and  responding directly to human needs.

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