Friday, October 25, 2019

Tens of millions of voters fearing another Obamacare tax shock

Warren faces tough choices on funding 'Medicare for all'
Warren, a Democratic candidate for president, says she will soon release a plan to pay for Medicare for All after facing criticism for evading questions about the proposal's potential tax implications for the middle class.
But while any plan to pay for Medicare for All would likely require a middle class tax increase, experts say, the issue of funding is complex and would also need a slew of other revenue options as well.
“We’re talking about a very substantial increase in revenues,” said Linda Blumberg of the Urban Institute, which recently released a cost estimate for a Medicare for All-style plan.
“With that large of an increase in revenue needed, my guess is a mix of different revenue sources would be looked at,” she added.
Blumberg specifically mentioned income tax increases; value-added taxes, which are popular in European countries; and other taxes to recapture what households and employers had already been spending on health care under the current system.
Warren has struggled to answer questions about how she would pay for Medicare for All.
Warren already lost the general election.  Trump will call a bundle of Obamacare taxes, all over again, same lies, same deception.  Warren will not win, she guarantees another four years of Trump.

Hence the panic about Joe.  His backers want to pour more funding into the election. Without Joe we get another four years of Trump. Joe might be able to get away as Trump as dramatically reduced the personal cost of Obamacare, putting the cost mostly on debt.

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