Thursday, February 13, 2020

What happen with PGE recently here in California

They sent me a threat to shut my juice off. I accepted the threat because I am a laggard and often let the bill run on another month before paying.  So when they tightened up on me. I thought it was just me, but the housekeeper here, my spy, tells me it is happening everywhere among her friends.

I sit, in Fresno, as the intermediary between failed state and the poor, I was their landlord of last resort for a long time.  So, it hits me first, the tax attacks, the payments demands and all the costs associated with Hispanic failed state would go through me and it was up to me to preform evolutionary decisions on the poor Hispanics. I had nt choice, not did any of the other small an large landlords around here.

Now the poor are screwed. Folks like me are retiring. Somewhere the poor were supposed to figure out checks and balances, they never did.  And that is why the homeless are skyrocketing, public sector unions create massive poverty.

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