Sunday, February 1, 2015

Banker bot solves another inventory problem

Here we have a case of a collected network of drivers and r4iders who want to rate each other. Another Marginal Revolution problem set.
“Highly specific pools of reputation information will become more useful in aggregate,” said Mr. Fertik, co-author with David C. Thompson of “The Reputation Economy,” a guide to optimizing digital footprints. “If you’re a really good Uber passenger, that may be useful information for Amtrak or American Airlines. But if you add in your reputation from Airbnb plus OpenTable plus eBay, it starts to get useful globally.” -
No problem, nothing the web bot banker cannot handle.

The web bot pays on deposits and earns lending in units of Uber discounts, priced accurately based on the probability distribution of Uber rides in any connected market. Savings and borrowings are available from the bot for any of the connected users; drivers or riders. Drivers are free to hand out Uber discounts and will always honor them. There is no hedging opportunity available, the web bot sets rates to be Black-Scholes, all the time. A complete digital currency.
So, no need to rate riders,the driver can just pass out a discount to favored riders. No need to rate drivers, the rider just dumps discounts dis-favored drivers. Hence everything properly priced. All market information optimally gathered.

But wait, you say, isn't using the discount for ratings a hedge?

Not for long. The Bot soon discovers a material change in the spectral distribution of rides and discounts.  It notices an increased accuracy, and compensates by changing the uncertainty level in sending and savings balances.  It learns, automatically, the the discounts have a double meaning, and adds that to its spectral pricing system. So, even making the rules about how many discounts is allowed per purchase may be unnecessary, the bot can easily adjust denominations so discounts revert to one discount per transaction and still accommodate ratings.

Only one condition the bot requires, a connect, mostly self correlated market.  When that condition is met, it is Web Bot Banker to the scene. Its the Theory of Everything! Banker Bot is the first Next Big Thing to use the technology.

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