Sunday, February 1, 2015

Accounting mismanagement at the Pentagon

Time: The new bomber—designed to augment, and ultimately replace, the nation’s aging fleets of B-52, B-1 and B-2 aircraft—is so new that it doesn’t even have a name yet, beyond the generic title Long Range Strike Bomber.
The author is not harsh enough.  The B-1, for example, had a third of its wing division cancelled simply because it was too expensive.  Through two major mid-east wars the thing made two or three bomb runs and was replaced by the B-52.  Jimmy Carter knew this was a horror story and tried to have it or the B-2 cancelled.  Who reversed the decision and created the boondogle? You guessed. the Great Deficit spender, Ronald 'The Communist' Reagan.

Ronald Bonehead Reagan ran interest costs up to nearly 23% of the budget to  pay for the worthless contraption. He ran government, all totalled as a percent of GDP, to the highest level in memory, excepting WW2.  That Republican was simply an idiot, even dumber than the Bush family.

Why the Tea party loves a big spending Socialist Royal King is beyond me, they have the wrong friggen name, American should demand the Tea Party return their name to its rightful place in history.  I have a better name for them:
 'Yet Another Bunch of Welfare Bums'

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