Friday, February 20, 2015

Taking smaller steps and allow settling time when doing the Greece deal

Krugman gets something right, its time to do the Greece deal in smaller steps.

The EU is facing a bunch of issues and they have some fairly ignorant central bankers.  QE is coming, the large banks are not that interested in buying, the Greek government is just getting settled in, the Greek voters and legislatures need to avoid hasty decisions, all the Euro governments are at risk when QE bonds pass through the Euro bond system, and finally, economists are just now learning about price variability and transaction rates.

Given this context, Krugman had a good idea! Take the small four month bridge deal, let the reaction in the financial and currency markets digest the result, then take another small step. The last thing we need right now is some bogus sense of certainty among the economists. Its a price discovery process that has to be efficiently passed through the system.

Its a new theory for us all

This idea that Brownian motion in aggregate systems is necessary to maintain integrity. Not just economics, but physics and mathematics. It is non-denominational, there is no complete certainty, just enough uncertainty to keep the transcendental approximations aligned.

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