Sunday, March 18, 2018

Amazon-type marketplace?

Funds are often distributed via banks, independent financial advisers, and investment consultants. But the two firms say asset managers could eventually see 50% of their fees evaporate if their distribution shifts to an "Amazon-type marketplace" where funds can reach investors directly. And while it's admittedly a worst-case scenario, the sheer fact that the discussion is occurring should trouble anyone in the industry.
Amazon-type marketplace is the official name for sandbox.  Jeff makes a great false flag. Morgan Stanley  writes the post referring to the any to any connection network available with robotic escrow and thumbprint, the asset manager function is  reworked. I am not sure they lose their jobs, we just give them an orderbook of components to make their own fund.  They become investment integrators, the more intelligent version of the old,  We should be getting constructor set for building asset allocation systems.

We be looking, more companies like Republic Protocol and Ripple and Lightening and more basic tool builders to come.

The new investment integrators have a  larger customer base operating in batch mode. The integrator branches out into prequal, working their clients up the credit ladder. The manager runs some notaries.

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