Saturday, March 31, 2018

Riddle me this, Ted Nugent

There were 42,249 deaths due to accidental opioid use in 2016. Opioids were responsible for 66% of all deaths due to drug overdoses in 2016

Half of these deaths were rural among white, mostly male; exposed to the NRA 'guns are the manly family value' culture. They get the guns, but the family does not follow, they become dangerous.

So, as the Second commands, we organized a militia for the common defense where our right to bear arms was chemical weapons. We poison these kids to death, as if they were dangerous NRA terrorist capable of mass shootings.

And you, Ted Nugent, want to throw away two thirds of the Second amendment, the two thirds that command us to hunt down and extinguish NRA nuts,you are unamerican, give us back our right to poison NRA nuts.

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