Sunday, March 25, 2018

Lord of the Flies society

Fresno, as my loyal readers know, is the meth capital of the world.  And we also know that the neighborhood a few blocks over is the meth capital of Fresno, a society of neurological abscess with the mental age below teenger.  Four generations of it, parents to kids.  

It is stable, no one leaves the neighborhood until they retire and go camping in LA. It is a runaway society, even at later ages they live, some in welfare rentals, some  on the porch, tool shed, car or garage, illegally.  They mostly wander at night looking for meth and selling the stuff is one of the main professions.  But it has been going on for such a long time that, as long as we feed it welfare checks, it could go on indefinitely. 

In a lot of cases, the kids end up with enough of a skill to rent a home, be normal, and the parent is usually running around the neighborhood, zonked. That happens.

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