Saturday, October 13, 2018

Why did I go coding?

It's for the bots, they needed a generic intra communication platform. A universal concept for all bots, they can join their configurations and find what they have in common. The bots can independently create their own version of Watson. It is a 'programmless' structure, once set we rarely mess with the kernel, which remains, to this day, about 20 lines of exetable. Great news for the bots, they can discover what interfaces they adhere to, then talk, doing it all via  simple JSON text.

The join is extremely fast, doing only one of a few complex call backs to the attachments, each step along the mutual graph, their intersection.. Add the proper wildcard operators and we get a full exploration of their outer join.

We do this today, in many proprietary grammars, all using JSON. Json is a natural Comma, Dot; branch and descend directed graph without loops, no brainer. So, now we have a join system, autonomous.

For trading bots this is great. If the trading pit has standard, proven, attachments for a kn own grading grammar, then one bot can easily issue trading instructions for multiple trading venues, as needed.  The instructions being contracts, with liability.  But everyone knows the same lines of code are there, all the time, anywhere, the same 20 lines of executable that traverse the contracts.

Pit bosses use his when processing disordered queues into compact graph. The lerft,right yields output model is ideal for the array processing, all modeled as graph traversal.

In pure cash layer, contracts have a Match call back, guaranteed by the join, provable for closed, finite graphs.  Match is a call back to the effective 'Trusted Miner'. So a human readable binary semantic tree, short, becomes enforceable, begin to end. All parties agree on how join works, like the pledge of allegiance, it is the law on joining contracts.

In contract law, my little character based grammar becomes a tree of known contract terms, each term mostly guaranteed by a call back to some trusted miner, with a connected human.. Same algebra, all 20 lines of it, all key words found in the official legal framework, defined and accessible, and agreed to by human thumbprints..

The trading bot explosion.

HJumans can set up great trading venues, get them insured, keep the math guys working on closure all the time.  Then deploy this capability as an attachment, like, "Yes, I trading that with th Coinbase standard trader, yes".  The chain of liability held by this simple json join machine. So, give me a reasonable  contract to buy goodies from your inventory, it can can thousands of offeings a second, issuing bid or ask.

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