Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Bot speak

Plain text words, plus Dots, Commas, and Parenth pair.

Pick the world list with significance, especially if they are industry standard.  Any computer and talk to any computer, and get it almost always right with plain text. The grammar is simple, there is in fact no other representation that allows serialization in one direction.

So, let us dump the complex interfaces, take a good guess, send it in plain text, become a graph of plain text. We can't go wrong because we can always be strict and controlled in the text selection, or not

Make the join universally available, everyone will get it, bots talk plain text.

Bots can teach your children to read. The cross referencing of word lists is high speed, and with a bit of an add on tool, the join can talk to you children, in plain text.  Words significant, but not bottled up in punctuation.  Easy for parents and teachers to create personalized word list for each child. 
And, in bold letters:

Produce the children's key board, dump all the keys except 26 letters (and three ops, dot,comma,parenth), enlarge the keys  Do not worry about caps, Type in, big text, join will figure it out.  Entire industry of word list creators have a great new tool.

The scraper got slimmed and grimmed. I posted a new, untested copy.  Still some slimming to do. I have seen it work on very complex interfaces, like Marginal Revolution, or any blog.  It works exactly, you end upo with all the plain text you see on the screen, in proper order. In my case, there are stll a bug or two. That is a whole, a cmplete package for very few lines of code, easy to manage. Always have a scrape handy, feed it plain text URLs, and any interesting word lists you may have.  Easy to make this develop a common word lost, and agreement between you and your bots. Plain text, a thumbprint; they do your shopping.

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