Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The module repository

We need that.
Developers agree on, say the lib.a archive format.  Then design the module repository. Here is how it works:

I want to use an API I found on the web. I select and drag the object from my browser to the repository handler.

The repository handler is smart, it reads the  module and extracts the version number and name and source web site, then dumps the lib onto the directed graph of libs.  All my programs have one lib path, the repository. If the repository refers to your local directory, that is fine, but repository maintains its own directed graph index.  At any time the developer can click and drag the modules around on the directed graph,  changing the search length.

The linker should already be partitioned from the module search, so add the repository facility to the link, it can step and skip through locating the missing symbols.

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