Monday, October 22, 2018

Isolation of the application in join

Applications work with an integer index defining a slot in the stack of active join instances, the triple stack. They select the attachment, get an index onto the triple stack and their fine. Applications have a data object to be joined, they have to k ow about that, and so does the attachment. 

 Mainly the application needs to view the data as a structured branch and descend data structure, Dotted sequences of the Comma separated. The application is moving data results from slot to slot, while the attachment removes cursors after a Done, automatically. The application is free to throw different cross reference files at join, filling its empty slot, like a piping system, a message switch. A very powerful tool in all kinds of analysis, especially since the attachment controls the Match process and delivers data as needed.  Every attachment sees the same data structure, key/op pair with an implied position in the graph. The sufficient and minimum information needed for the task.

The console commands are about slots, what is in them, what are the triples, feeding one slot to the other, and filling a slot. For example, when the application is satisfied, it has narrowed down the unknowns, then it can pipe tre results from MEM to CONSOLE, really by using a dup_slot, and new_slot calls.  Then it can list slots, and list the attachments available.  Application developers do not worry about join support, the rules of convolution are fairly obvious, and recreating join in various forms easy. 

Pausing in stacked joins.This is one of the grammar rules, when should one triple puse?  One strategy is to pause after ending a sequence, let the further triple digest that.  The other is tpo pause when the a slot is empty or full. Whatever he default rule, the attachments can over ride the rule, pausing according to its own idiosyncrasies.   The switch concept is asynchronous, one flow dependent upon another.

Typical application flow:

You hve a list of word list, in some hierarchical arrangement and you can intelligently cross reference you word lists with raw text, narrow it down.  You end if with a bunch of if then.  
If it matches well with list a then try list b,c,d and f; otherwise go try ;list X or Z and so on...

That is interpreted as filtering lists from slot to slot, a simple procedure for most applications, no worse than plumbing.  Join puts the AI power in the hands of little folks. This idea will be on every computer.

Easy setup

Just have gthe console do a get string back from the application, then the application can deliver simple byte codes as needed to control join. Not even a header file: do_join_op(char*), in c will link in the application in., the application then  then return command codes specifying actions. Type help art console and those are the command codes and format for standard attachens.

. The attachment needs to know more, it needs to know what a cursor is.

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