Saturday, October 27, 2018

Web surfing with join

Simple enough, build a we build put and get attachment which can 'skip or step' through a hierarchy of http names.  Do that with the search graph being a book mark graph, run the raw data to mem, then run that as input to plain text which emits standard comma separated word which you run though a stack of word lists for classification.  The join I have should do that, except for a few remaining bugs.

Run this in the AM, and get the basic idea of all the latest financial news, then issue updates to your trading bots.  What about sentence structure? Add  standard dictionary to plain text then deliver 'set and step' the words  in ordered graph, or at least deliver the word type in the proper order for further lexical analysis.  Operationally, join should learn to read, develop nd prune word lists via training. The it can run, almost freely, against text of any distinct industry, tell you the nuts and bolts of the dailies.

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