Saturday, March 12, 2016

Huffington Post cannot be serious

Their lead:


 Now I take this as a bit of sarcasm.

The editors at Huffington Post cannot think that 500,000 people choosing delegates makes much difference,; nearly a hundred million  have chosen delegates so far.  But I can no longer trust that this is sarcasm, it may be a fraudulent attempt at political influence.  Therein lies the problem, when we cannot tell the difference between sarcasm and fraud; the readership of Huff posts are not all that bright, and it is election time.

We are going to have a press that is deliberately simple minded, it's an embarrassment.  But is it the reader or is the aggregate social gestalt simply mindless because government is such a skewed distributor of information.  Some things make no sense even when you adopt the required point of view.

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