Monday, April 2, 2018

Government is complicit in the monopoly

RYAN COOPERWhy dismantling Amazon really could rescue "Trump

We are not sure government can escape its role.  Amazon is mostly a, once patented, protocol for extracting large subsidies from the federal post office.  It is unpatented, anyone can use it.  There is a box in every standard delivery page, Select two week delivery for government subsidy.

So, guv stops their role, then suddenly the consumers scream, politicians freak, worker pensions threatened.   I have good evidence that this is difficult problem, Dean Baker is keeping his mouth shut.

I have no solution, at the moment. But under the circumstances, the smart layer will observe post office delivery to be a machine of perpetual motion, causing coordination failure big time, transportation freeze, huge depression.  

Uber taxis service has a similar possibility to jam if the tax incentives are off. Personal transportation in tiny taxis is very cheap, and popular; but they jam the roads suddenly, and more often. When you try to price congestion on public roads, drivers scream; we end up with a similar subsidy and the bots will crunch you.

California energy pricing in the late 90s had the same problem, guv getting caught in a commodity subsidy and cannot respond soon enough. Buty we extend auto trading all the way through, we will have severe problems with guv  having supply controls all throughout the system, the bots finding and hedging each one. Here we get to the nitty gritty, new accounting standards imposed on government programs.

When you hide post office pensions in general obligations, then you have made a very long term subsidy, and the voter becomes unaware until coordination failure. The voter has already written Jeff a 20 billion dollar check, cashed, gone.

Millennials will default all of these subsidies as they are discovered, the hedging creating individual cash accounting for the programs hedged. The millennials will toss them into the sandbox default machine. Redneck Systems testing it in virtual lab.

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