Sunday, February 9, 2020

Dems could run on truth

Like I say, give up the idea of ejecting Trump and focus on House and Senate races.  Why doesn't a candidate support that view?

We have the cluselss candidates running on philosophy, no addressiing the real issue.

Metropolitan millennials, whether left or right, have no plans to pay the interest charges on the Cruz, Inhofe,Trump, Reagan losses.  Massive government defense failures for all of them. 

We are better off getting th senate organized than anything else, the Inhofe, Sanders, Cruz crew of bonehead senators have no clue on cash management,should not be anywhere near government management.  Indentity the stupids, tell th millennials that some 5% of the income for their entire working career goes to pay interest on very bad defense contracts that racked up huge losses.

Millennials have no legal or moral obligation to pay for Inhofe blunders, none, zero zip. Pete needs to say those words, then Pet needs to help get the better senators Pete doers not need to be president, he needs to lead the Democrats, they have become a useless philosophy machine.  Essentially by identifying the boneheads who drove us to default, he can correct a major deficiency with the state based government, but he has to run against the senate, not against Trump; and his power comes from losing, he will lose the election but own the Dem party.

It become clear to the uneducated politicians in Vermont and Wyoming, during the campaign, they their state is at risk until they produce senators that can stop the frauds.  Neither of the Vermont senators seem to have a clue.

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