Sunday, February 9, 2020

We have better knowledge of where the losses came from

This is federal debt, a public document, and we can traces all these losses back to specific idiots.

Both parties seem ready to write off the Obamacare start up costs, and redo it.  That is a one trillion dollar loss.  Most parties recognize tyhat we have not imp[roved bomber performance since the B-52, there is 3 trillion in losses. Start wars another trillion in losses, two worthless aircraft carriers.

So to say we are default is missing the point, we are simply recognizing voter blunders from the past, especially from the Alzheimer's president, starting with the Texas bailout, which was never paid for. Then we have Ted Cruz and the Texas Space Cadets, a 100% loss which we will write off, this was known to be a loser by Inhofe, and he is being blamed for the losses.  We can actually identify many of the individuals doing the fraud, and knowing this was fraud at the time of the spending.  We can identify presidential mental defect, presidential stupidity, and deliberate fraud, down to the price of lunch on the day they committed the fraud. Inhofe, Cruz and half a dozen other senators will be know as the cause of the generation default. Inhofe, for example, is getting blamed for the aircraft carriers that do not work and the whole SDI fiasco, personally responsible for about 4T of the debt.  Folks in California have no good reason to make Inhofe an honest man, he blundered, he can suffer the sudden stops from all his defense frauds.

So we know the losses, we never intended to pay them an now bondholders are surprised by ou sudden willingness to default? This sounds more like bondholders being fooled about the cost of money, an if anyone should be blamed, it si them, bondholders for investing in a perfectly fraudulent government.  Stiffing stupid bond holders is perfectly fine for governments, we can always default. And we will default, the millennials are not going to pay off these idiotic losses for all of eternity, and it is time the American governmental system start organizing tis write offs a bit better rather than have them serviced all at one time.

The Texas Space Cadets, for example.  This is widely known to be a Cruz/Trump fraud, already no party, political or otherwise, intends to be taxed to pay for that crap. It will not be paid for, we already plan in defaulting that one.

Here is a simple rule.

No one is allowing government to raise out taxes anymore, we are voting with our feet, from Illinois to California to New York, tax payers are running from losing government programs.

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