The rooster is picking his chicken from the flock of squawking birds. I wouldn't take the job, I would not want to be known as Miss Affirmative Action.
Friday, July 31, 2020
Being a woman is getting embarrassing
As Democrat Biden's running mate search nears end, contenders jockey for position
Probability of default got higher
(Bloomberg) -- One of the world’s major credit-rating companies fired a warning shot regarding the U.S.’s worsening public finances on Friday, just as lawmakers in Washington contemplate spending more to combat the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. Fitch Ratings revised its outlook on the country’s credit score to negative from stable, citing a “deterioration in the U.S. public finances and the absence of a credible fiscal consolidation plan.” The country’s ranking remains AAA.
Momentarily slow light and get mass
This effect from a coffee cup slosh in 3D, a monentary equilibrium in 4D and a degeneration inopt tree Markov 3-tuples. Hence the quarks,
The quarks should be found along the Markov 1,y,z chain, there are six, some set of three count up to Avogadro. This causes three layers of magnetic flux, and the gluon can reverse flow on any two adjacent while thge weak for can effect two non adjacent.
The salad bowl curves in on itself a bit, making an open toroid about the magnetic axis. So if you took a compass and put it u[p top the side of a proton it will be hoping between three angles, the average attempts to be the magnetic axis.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Hezbollah is a private militia
A lousy one and some other politicians want to try a socialist government militia. What a mess.
"Defending Lebanon is not a military and political jurisdiction of a group of Lebanese," added the movement, pointing to the government's "suspicious absence" from the southern border with only a condemnation made 24 hours after the actual incident occurred.
Lebanese Forces Party leader Samir Geagea told the Associated Press that "Monday’s military activity along the border with Israel was a clear indication the current Hezbollah-backed Lebanese government, doesn't have sovereignty in the south, along Israel’s border, where thousands of UN peacekeepers are based.”
“Which Arab and foreign countries want to deal with a government that considers itself nonexistent at a time when there is a security danger along its border?” added Geagea, stressing that as soon as Hezbollah "withdraws its fighters from Yemen, Syria and Iraq, and stops implementing Iran's policy, the Arab countries will rethink restoring their relations with Lebanon."
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
So the topology of these quarks
They have dual curvature, look like odd shaped eggs when we add circular angle. Different energy levels, they superimpose. The proton should be a superposition of all three possible quark sets.
And that should fix the possible magnetic moments, making a Lie group. A 2 by 3, in 3 relative prime sets. The attempted fourth axis is a centered rotation, almost. It should have 17 + 1 positions if we include circular error band. Our three relatively prime eggs transpose inte on of the other two energy states. It would do so by swapping the negative curvatures, each of the prime set identified by the angle of their negative.
Te numbers work. We get 17 proton modes taken 2 at a time including the error of superposition.
6 * 17 *(17 + 1)
There three set, and their negative spins, to meet the Markov condition using three relative curvatures, we have created violated spin symmetry. Any reversal of spin select another of the three sets, or its negative. The gluon is flipping a quark once per error cycle. It is like a valve system in a three piston car. The gluon rotates about an uncertain toroid exis and then curvate excedds it flips the two adjacent quarks. It has to take two angle steps to the next link and adjust its valve. It has a symmetry for kinetic energy, little eddies,around the magnetic center pole.
The number 2 * 3^2 is simply the statement, each of three modes taken in all possible combinations, except they have two equivalent forms, negative and positive. 3^3 is simply all the possible combinations of three. There is no 3^4 because we are a algebra of finite sets.
17 is the number of terms in one binomial when three are approximating a bell curve as 18 terms.
In other words, the variance in circular angle is conserved. Any time the proton shell exceeds a spin deviation, one of the quarks will flip. They are constantly flipping.
That 17 modes are the usual orbital energy levels until we need to collide protons and neutrons and get another pseudo axis to partition kinetic energy levels again.
And that should fix the possible magnetic moments, making a Lie group. A 2 by 3, in 3 relative prime sets. The attempted fourth axis is a centered rotation, almost. It should have 17 + 1 positions if we include circular error band. Our three relatively prime eggs transpose inte on of the other two energy states. It would do so by swapping the negative curvatures, each of the prime set identified by the angle of their negative.
Te numbers work. We get 17 proton modes taken 2 at a time including the error of superposition.
6 * 17 *(17 + 1)
There three set, and their negative spins, to meet the Markov condition using three relative curvatures, we have created violated spin symmetry. Any reversal of spin select another of the three sets, or its negative. The gluon is flipping a quark once per error cycle. It is like a valve system in a three piston car. The gluon rotates about an uncertain toroid exis and then curvate excedds it flips the two adjacent quarks. It has to take two angle steps to the next link and adjust its valve. It has a symmetry for kinetic energy, little eddies,around the magnetic center pole.
The number 2 * 3^2 is simply the statement, each of three modes taken in all possible combinations, except they have two equivalent forms, negative and positive. 3^3 is simply all the possible combinations of three. There is no 3^4 because we are a algebra of finite sets.
17 is the number of terms in one binomial when three are approximating a bell curve as 18 terms.
In other words, the variance in circular angle is conserved. Any time the proton shell exceeds a spin deviation, one of the quarks will flip. They are constantly flipping.
That 17 modes are the usual orbital energy levels until we need to collide protons and neutrons and get another pseudo axis to partition kinetic energy levels again.
God attempts to save my priors.
In Unprecedented Move, Congress Proposes Taxpayer-Funded Bailout Of $550 Billion CMBS Industry
I knew someone would find my stuff sacred.
Who is left?
Over 62 Million People Had No Pay Last Week
Over 62 million not-retired people reported having no pay last week.Who is left? We have about 140 households, but a good 30% of us our retired.
Support the New Ottomans and sanction Syria
WASHINGTON: The United States on Wednesday imposed fresh sanctions aimed at depriving the Syrian government of funds, and warned that Washington would blacklist anyone doing business with President Bashar Al-Assad's government until he supports a negotiated end to the country's nearly decade-long war.Bashar would negotiate ae end, not at the sacrifice of his regime.
Dual angled quarks
The spi angle does not have a binary inverse, it has a trinary inverse.
Each is (a+b)/c, That is a binomial asymmetric, the second and third term balance the first. The inverse is to flip the binomial.
We have three of these and their flip. The finite count of flips is the Avogadro Bayseian exponent. The quarks have to flip their spin in tune with that, this is an iLog(i) on flip share.
The three variation leave about 18 variation in kinetic N, the uncertanty in N. We would expect discrete rotations about a central line to match, the proton will simulate a toroid pretty well. Spin interactions cause sudden magnetic reversals, deviations built and a quark flips vertical to the plane of interaction.
Slosh, think of it as making small corrections to the speed of light, really keeping charged up, iasing the deviation higher.
Each is (a+b)/c, That is a binomial asymmetric, the second and third term balance the first. The inverse is to flip the binomial.
We have three of these and their flip. The finite count of flips is the Avogadro Bayseian exponent. The quarks have to flip their spin in tune with that, this is an iLog(i) on flip share.
The three variation leave about 18 variation in kinetic N, the uncertanty in N. We would expect discrete rotations about a central line to match, the proton will simulate a toroid pretty well. Spin interactions cause sudden magnetic reversals, deviations built and a quark flips vertical to the plane of interaction.
Slosh, think of it as making small corrections to the speed of light, really keeping charged up, iasing the deviation higher.
State scale problem
Mainers face income drops, more delays as Congress mulls virus unemployment extension
Most states face this, covid is a black swan. But the continuing scale problems plague the small states while the large states are looking for massive pension scale solutions. Suggest we get educated economists.
More than 84,000 Mainers filed continued claims for the week ending July 18, the most recent week for which data are available, marking a downward trend. But the expiration of the extra $600 is coming as some are still waiting to receive their first benefits, as issues with the state’s online interface and difficulties reaching state workers by phone have led to significant delays.
A proposal floated by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, on Monday would replace the $600 with $200 per week while giving states two months to match 70 percent of workers’ previous wages, The Washington Post reported. In Maine, the change would amount to a 43 percent drop in income for individuals receiving the average benefit.
Significant changes to the program, including switching to sliding benefits correlated with previous wages, would likely pose an administrative problem for states including Maine that have struggled to keep up with increased demand throughout the coronavirus pandemic.
Most states face this, covid is a black swan. But the continuing scale problems plague the small states while the large states are looking for massive pension scale solutions. Suggest we get educated economists.
A pause in 4D
If we consider more compression than the 3D vacuum then we would expect a momentary excursion into a fourth line of symmetry. That slows light just enough to let the quarks quantize. They will adopt quanta of dual spine, they are exiting a momentary toroid with dual curvature.
This must be the general rule, the coffee cup slosh effect. The reason we have these symmetric atoms like helium and nitrogen.
On the Markov tree, way up around Markov 3 Typle 108, they need to spit symmetry. The slosh effect places the new stable set along six lower Markov 3-Tuples. This is a optimal Markov 3 Tuple to match the 4 tuple nearest N. The 4th is mostly about 3/4, the duplicates. Hence the split into a three set iLog(i) sequences. But the effect is to leave a very large magnetic shell, a toroid.
The negative Markov? The Markov nodes have negatives. Any given quark is a combination of the three. They have been sufficiently spread out on the 3 Tuples that they minimally interfere. They eachexert contribute a relatively prime dual angle effect on the magnetic field. If they collide occasionally, as they do, they rego the momentary slosh math. That is the key to hooking up with neutrons.
Interesting prime problem. If I had a M +1 tuple divided up into M nodes on the lower tree, then my optimum separation should be M nodes in the lower system. But this includes their negatives. What I am doing is saying there is the optimum 3D Avogadro, and the error bad is symmetric, so I ran toll that tree around, adding one branch per node. Then I can reduce back by finding the M nodes that best match. That ant an their negatives.
This must be the general rule, the coffee cup slosh effect. The reason we have these symmetric atoms like helium and nitrogen.
On the Markov tree, way up around Markov 3 Typle 108, they need to spit symmetry. The slosh effect places the new stable set along six lower Markov 3-Tuples. This is a optimal Markov 3 Tuple to match the 4 tuple nearest N. The 4th is mostly about 3/4, the duplicates. Hence the split into a three set iLog(i) sequences. But the effect is to leave a very large magnetic shell, a toroid.
The negative Markov? The Markov nodes have negatives. Any given quark is a combination of the three. They have been sufficiently spread out on the 3 Tuples that they minimally interfere. They each
Interesting prime problem. If I had a M +1 tuple divided up into M nodes on the lower tree, then my optimum separation should be M nodes in the lower system. But this includes their negatives. What I am doing is saying there is the optimum 3D Avogadro, and the error bad is symmetric, so I ran toll that tree around, adding one branch per node. Then I can reduce back by finding the M nodes that best match. That ant an their negatives.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Never let a pandemic go to waste
Teachers Unions Want Wealth Taxes, Charter School Bans, and Medicare-for-all Before Schools Can Reopen
They might settle for a one trillion deal, but it is not permanent, expect a repeat. You can bet the Antificants want in on this deal and the pandemic piling is not stopping. It is like a Black Hole effect.The best step one is to agree on a default ratio, one third.Then agree on a renewal period. Then all parties know how much inflation, direct general price rise, to happen over some approximate period. The Fed gets a bit longer term contract. Include in this the expected defense procurement blunders, generally the result of the ear mark system.
Forget NFL
July 28 (Reuters) - New England Patriots linebacker Dont'a Hightower, safety Patrick Chung and Chicago Bears defensive tackle Eddie Goldman have decided to skip the upcoming NFL season amid the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. media reported on Tuesday.
Six players on the six-time Super Bowl-winning Patriots have now decided to opt out of the season, ESPN reported, as the NFL opened training camps for all players on Tuesday.
The reports did not specify why Hightower and Chung had decided to skip the season, though Goldman cited concerns over COVID-19 in his decision, according to the NFL Network.
About fifty points of IQ
Trump questions how Fauci has a high approval rating 'but nobody likes me'
Vs senility on the Dem side. So, Trumpster, one can see why my chihuahua is so high in the polls.
Humor works
Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) added that among Republicans “we have unity in disagreement.” Meanwhile, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) said the negotiations were taking place between “two big government Democrats,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Pelosi.And a hearty yuk yuk. What ever Joe Kennedy is, he has humor, a sign of intelligence.
It is all about crowding out the retail banks
If feds let jobless benefits drop, key California Dems have “backdoor borrowing” idea to extend them
What Krugman calls lack of demand is really untaxed banking, mainly sales taxes in the case of California. All of these pension systems bet the economy of scale is maintained or increased. Then comes the limits on that, and the search is really then about scrambling for taxes, Fed taxes, sales taxes, find what ever fool wants to pay them. Even the Fed pumping the market is mostly about collecting Fed taxes and supporting pension investments.
It will not work any more, we have run to that limit.
Low family intelligence
Of Course Twitter Had to Suspend Donald Trump Jr.
I have no idea why Trumpster the Junior has not figured out the Alt-R conspiracies are not working in this election. Both son and dad seem learning disabled.
And lose four elections in a row
Progressives are insisting the party embrace "Medicare for All" in grim times.
Dems will continue to lose as long as small state senators from Vermont make bizarre and impossible promises about Marxism.
This should be a lesson in the state scale problem. Bernie is not driven by intelligence, he is driven to use the senate as an escape from Vermont, it has not worked for 250 years, and Dems keep losing elections in the process. Can Nancy get a clue about the problem?
Hysterical old white guy having Wile E Coyote moment
Rep. Ken Buck: ‘This has to stop. We can’t let Antifa continue terrorizing our country’
Ken 'Buck'. There is no morality or philosophy, there is only one generation taking over the Right to Coin from another generation. This is the generational overlap, and Ken Buck's side does not gain special privileges by practicing philosophy. Try making a deal instead.
The fake chart is back
What really happens is a shift from retail banking to government banking. People will use the government UI as a loan in place of the retail banking system which now suffers a higher Fed tax. It is at best a break even. But more likely just adds to the deflationary pressure.
About 70 million people – more than one-third of credit cardholders – said they involuntarily had a credit limit reduced or a credit card account closed altogether in a 60-day period stretching from mid-May to mid-July.
The report is a clear sign that credit card issuers are still closing cards and reducing credit limits on cardholders in huge numbers, months after an April 2020 CompareCards survey showed that nearly 50 million cardholders had a card closed or credit limit reduced in the first month in which the coronavirus pandemic took hold of the country. - CompareCards
Did this chart ever work? No, not really, but for a while it deferred the tax issue for ten years. Now the tax issue cannot be deferred. Remember, the federal government is paying some 2.5% for its money The market rate is .65%, so each increment of debt carried by the Fed means more Fed taxes to cover the residual 2.5% interest rate.
It is pretty obvious in the charts, but Krugman has no other story to tell. My story is that it likely makes little difference either way, I am neutral at this point. We have tipped. As long as Krugman gets clicks he will pursue this line. It is bad theory, and has always been bad theory going back hundreds of years. There has never been a satisfaction of the Lucas criteria, the idea of satisfying the complete sequence of actions.
Quit the banking tax
Biden urges Fed to take steps to close racial economic gaps
It is Biden and his deranged followers who are raising the middle class banking tax without benefit of a legislative vote. Now Joe and pals got themselves on the wrong side of a revolt by their own voter-victims.
Simple rule. You are likely being deceived by your politicians. The antificants have that part right.
Not all states disagree with the antificants
AG Barr thinks Antifa will spread if states don’t squash violence
Why would AG Barr think states rights includes agreeing with his assessment?
Antificants will grow as long as the Fed continues taxing the middle class. The Antificants are exercising the Right to Coin, it is in the Constitution if Barr would read the required clause. Politicians are likely going o be split on the issue, not unified.
The Nation Is Falling Into the Abyss Between Wall Street And Main Street
Now some state politicians have more concern for main street than wall street. So, Barr is full of Godotist crap calling for a unified response. Why not call for a universal restructure of the Fed? Something about Swamp Gas causes universal boneheadedness back there.
Likely a Senate ear mark problem
DoD wants more stimulus money for contractors, lawmaker interest is low
The Drums and Yglesias crowd cannot get past this artifact, and the professional Keynesians are not allowed to analyze the problem, so they mostly commit fraud, go full Godotist. We will be screwed, the fraud extends all the way to central bankers.
The Defense Department says it could use another $10 billion to deal with the fallout of coronavirus and keep its industrial base companies afloat.The Senate already has fouled defense contracts beyond repair with incessant ear marks. Now their ear marks need earmarking. Misunderstanding this problem is the major inefficiency in government multipliers. All the economists seem to misunderstand this problem, it is a skewed value chain problem, written into the Constitution.
Deputy Defense Undersecretary for Acquisition and Sustainment Alan Shaffer said Tuesday that that money would, in part, go toward paying contractors for employee compensation when they couldn’t work on federal projects because of COVID-19.
Meanwhile, DoD is trying to allay congressional fears that money going to large corporations to keep the supply chain moving is actually getting down to smaller subcontractors.
The Pentagon received $10.5 billion from the original coronavirus stimulus package. DoD is also coming off of three years of budget increases, along with a supplemental budget in 2016 and a likely $741 billion appropriation from Congress for 2021.
The Drums and Yglesias crowd cannot get past this artifact, and the professional Keynesians are not allowed to analyze the problem, so they mostly commit fraud, go full Godotist. We will be screwed, the fraud extends all the way to central bankers.
Discovered hidden Markov model
Researchers develop a method for predicting unprecedented events
“By analyzing long-term data from three ecosystems, we were able to show that fluctuations that happen in different biological species are statistically the same across different ecosystems,” said Samuel Bray, a research assistant in the lab of Bo Wang, assistant professor of bioengineering at Stanford. “That suggests there are certain underlying universal processes that we can take advantage of in order to forecast this kind of extreme behavior.”Hey, the bold face is the TOE.
A two curvature world
The universe is a toroid an inner tube. If we look toward the darkest direction with a telescope we will be looking down the tube, see all short of stuff. If we measure light path by radial and forgets dual curvature, then everything seems to recede. Any theory that looks for beginning or end ill go in circles. A lot of astronomy will be fooled a bit by gravity lensing in two focal planes. We would suffer a offset in the gravitation angle but not notice. If we are very quiet we might be able to split light spin using the two angles.
It is the slosh effect and the finite limits of a 3D world. If entrop is over all finite then this becomes a system sloshing quite often that the fourth dimension remains and we ge a second curvature in the cosmology constant. Plenty more kinetic energy contained if it can get a bit more circular. With N expanding arbitrarily then there might be this optimum kinetic symmetry that keeps an N barrier. Anything beyond our own inner tube will be maximally separable and unknowable, but likely another inner tube.
It is the slosh effect and the finite limits of a 3D world. If entrop is over all finite then this becomes a system sloshing quite often that the fourth dimension remains and we ge a second curvature in the cosmology constant. Plenty more kinetic energy contained if it can get a bit more circular. With N expanding arbitrarily then there might be this optimum kinetic symmetry that keeps an N barrier. Anything beyond our own inner tube will be maximally separable and unknowable, but likely another inner tube.
So here is the argument on the universe cooling down
Assume no entry nor exit.
We have the aggregate of equal tings in kinetic energy, so they have coffee cup slosh now and then. The slosh moment create a Markov level up, a bi of sustained momentum each time the slosh happens. The process continues up the dimensionality, each time spotting a symmetry in kinetic energy, harvesting it, and dropping back to the nearest three Markov nodes. We do not cool down, we get complex, we get geodesic on a massive scale. But we reach a limit, and just get stuck, a frozen crystal of vacuum.
We have the aggregate of equal tings in kinetic energy, so they have coffee cup slosh now and then. The slosh moment create a Markov level up, a bi of sustained momentum each time the slosh happens. The process continues up the dimensionality, each time spotting a symmetry in kinetic energy, harvesting it, and dropping back to the nearest three Markov nodes. We do not cool down, we get complex, we get geodesic on a massive scale. But we reach a limit, and just get stuck, a frozen crystal of vacuum.
How did we get us?
Who are we? We are mechanical bioskins managed by white blood civilization.
Between our bioskins and the chromosone algebra is, once again, has the coffee cup slosh effect where a rare moment, Markov 3 Tuple looks better as a 4 tuple. How many things can one do with replicating protein sequencers occurring on a semi regular basis. You will get surfaces approximating round things, having a round regularity. Assuming the sun is shining, forcing the momentary coffee cup effect. Protein sequences which count that period modulo some integer win the skin game. Then those skin sequences, once again, appear 3D in total. Multi layer salad bowls, in up and down spin partition. Soon we got a model of skin. It as like a plot? Na, there isn't that many things to do in three dimensional worlds.
Between our bioskins and the chromosone algebra is, once again, has the coffee cup slosh effect where a rare moment, Markov 3 Tuple looks better as a 4 tuple. How many things can one do with replicating protein sequencers occurring on a semi regular basis. You will get surfaces approximating round things, having a round regularity. Assuming the sun is shining, forcing the momentary coffee cup effect. Protein sequences which count that period modulo some integer win the skin game. Then those skin sequences, once again, appear 3D in total. Multi layer salad bowls, in up and down spin partition. Soon we got a model of skin. It as like a plot? Na, there isn't that many things to do in three dimensional worlds.
They are a helix, made of a 2D color matching process, driven by spacial charge attraction.
They get bundled as chromosome, with a middle tie of yet another sequence. The center tie partitions one DNA sequence into a short and long pair. Two sets of these is called a haploid, I think.
Humans are the second diploid, we have 23 of them.
A Bayesian model. These have to sit in a mostly closed surface, we have to fill in all the layers of the salad bowl. This should also fit the standard algebraic model notation, it has operations, binary, and rules of combinations over finite sets.
Really, this is an orbital problem also, in fact this whole thing is driven by charge distribution. Spin exclusion still applies, the smallest of the Markov triples doesn't roll over. There should be primitive orbits when the chromosome sequence is packed. Some shapes must be replicated internal, it is still modulo some rational fraction. Alternatively, it must have kinetic energy and be rolling about symmetries.
We can do quick back of the envelope, that surface will not be known better than 1/20, or 2%, it doesn't have more precision. Compare this to Planks in flat earth, thisd is a relatively very very slow system, but otherwise obeys 3D physics.
The basic correction is on of the sugar phosphates. They come in two colors, really as they are pairs, but via some homomorphic morphing we can make this a tree color with the centroid becoming a color. The docs only describe one form of the structure during meiosis, or mitosis. But the salad bowl makes more sense, the three types forming a layering about the closed exterior surface of a salad bowl.
I looked up the 23 Markov number, about 15000. 23 would be the number of layers. That seems in the range that the docs are reporting.
So it is the basic game, minimize the error every six three color selections exchanges, per surface layer. 23 layers fills the salad bowl. That would be the model of a call nucleus. When an external force, say a layer of lipids? reshaped the salad bowl, it will disconnect ow color pairs from the third. This is equivalent to having colors that are not relative prime, to pairs attempt to rotate out of charge imbalance and collide with another pair in opposite rotation.
These sequences in the salad bowl represent the slope, kinetic energy in the ratio of the rate of emission. That slop still must be as irrational as possible and we are still balancing three binomials.
Light, in this system is still two steps. But they are slow steps compared to the speed of our flat earth biochemical tools. That is the secret behind micro biology of DNA. Our tools have circular accuracy much better than DNA hyperbolic accuracy. I think something out side the sphere pulls out on one side and in on the other, the effect to concentrate the chromosomes on a source, unfold them. Hold them in that surface position, Markov 24, and feed them peptides which will make the subsequent 23 Markov shells inside, once again. Presto, you have a duplication. When that nucleus is in balloon mode, there must be a mRNA process inside digesting peptides and making the matching Markov set.
This is a topology thing. Having it down to a Lie Algebra speeds up the development of covid solutions. For example, a lie algebra can find optimum paths from one peptide to one protein position. That path goes straight to the cultures.
If you think about taking two steps across the Markov surface, you notice that is very slow looking to humans an N grows. That is the essence of jumping up the Markov triad. That is the correction imbalance taking a symmetric kinetikc path. That path seems an extra dimension until the error imbalance returns to normal. It jump up and down one Markov 3-tuple node, but appears momentarily more accurate as a 4 tuple, is my speculation.. This would be a dimensional jump, jumping from atoms to sugar phosphate sequences. To the next observe up, it is a clear distinction in flat earth, an order of magnitude slower.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Hydroxychloroquine is no help
Hydroxychloroquine with or without Azithromycin in Mild-to-Moderate Covid-19
I think Trump has no clue
Turkey On The Warpath
Watch: Israel Reinforces Troops Near Golan Heights Fearing Hezbollah Retaliation To Strikes On Syria
Trump never figured out the various side in the middle East, then Jared suddenly switched side and Trump is neither aware we switched side nor does he yet understand the various factions. So, on net, the Pentagon and Trump are supporting Al Queda and the Ottomans. Both the two boneheads are going to get us bombed, yet again, and neither has any clue why or what.Think of a group of monkey in charge of US foreign policy and you can get a glimpse of what is going on. Trump's education in history and geography is nil, never happened.
Inequality and the implicit deflator
The track, and the implicit is a linear rising line, it is back computed.
To get the implicit the bean counters have to wait until all deliveries have been completed, then adjust price on a per item basis. Then the implicit represents the increasingly higher prices consumers pay for the same goods. The cost of delivering goods to consumers keeps going up until we get too many antificants. Who is raising the cost of delivery? Most the large state governments and the federal governments.
Economist gets clue
Consumption, which accounts for 55% of China’s GDP, fell by 3.9% in terms of social retail sales in the second quarter, on top of a 19% decline in the first three months of 2020. Some argue that consumption will now surge and become the main growth driver in the remainder of the year. But this is unlikely, because households will be anxious to replenish the savings they depleted during the lockdown. The government can and should provide relief to households affected by COVID-19, but it cannot do much to stimulate consumption.
What he notices is that consumption is a result of economies of scale. China as lost depth in thier value chains due to covid and trade collapse. No government can conjure up more economies of scale with simple deficit stimulus spending.
Quite the contrary, short term government bailouts defer the search for better economies of scale. Enterprises have to await the bailouts and look at the resulting surpluses to set scale. The mistake was all about economists no knowing the science of self sampled systems and assuming the existence of a central planner. This is the Lucas criteria which Keynesians ignore. A major blunder in theory lasting hundreds of years.
There are no Godots in a self sampled system. Learning this fact is causing Wile E Coyote moments among Keynesians, they are getting a bit hysterical.
Government interest rate is not low
The blue line is the interest rate we pay on existing debt, interest expenses/debt. The red line is the current market rater. The green is real growth, nominal growth minus deflator. Note the slight decline in growth over the period, there is no indication of multipliers greater than one on government purchases.
We are currently paying 2.5% on past debt while market rate is about .6%, while we suffer a sever recession.
The difference in rates government pays on past debt, relative to current market rate, is made up with Fed taxes on the banking sector as no one seems willing to purchase less real growth with more government debt.
We have economists, mostly at Berkeley, that automatically conclude multipliers are high, with no real evidence but fake research. What they miss are the agents who are kicked off the banking roles because the Fed tax is unaffordable. Why the widespread fraud on this? Who caused this nonsense? Drum and Yglesias both suffer the misconception and both we educated by the multipliers always 'greater than one' crowd. That would be UC Berkeley deliberately committing fraud.
Kid was raised well
11-Year-Old Black Child Made $1K Selling ‘N-Word Passes’ to White Friends at School
The woke white parents of an adopted 11-year-old black child were shocked to discover that he had made over a thousand dollars selling ‘n-word passes’ to white kids at school.Fantastic!
The House has to pay off the Senate
Schumer Fumes Over GOP 'HEALS' Act, Demands Avalanche Of Stimulus To Avoid 'Piecemeal' Solution
Nancy never paid off the state capitals with cash, so the entire budgeting process is fraught with Senate earmarks and is jammed. This is pure stupidity, assuming Schumer's philosophy can over come the Law.
The dollar index is a bad measure of money demand
Gold rises and falls based on monetary demand.
My title has it right. Mish says money demand sets the price of Gold, less need for fiat money folks hold onto gold.
My title has it right. Mish says money demand sets the price of Gold, less need for fiat money folks hold onto gold.
Right now the demand for fiat money among investors is slim as can be seen in the very high jump in excess deposits. Why is their less demand for fiat? Because fiat taxes are eating the money markets alive.
What Mish is pointing out is bad monetary theory, and that has been around since the beginning of banking. The offset to bad monetary theory is to compensate, by holding a gold stabilization fund. Central banks often do this.
What Mish is pointing out is bad monetary theory, and that has been around since the beginning of banking. The offset to bad monetary theory is to compensate, by holding a gold stabilization fund. Central banks often do this.
Here we see gold rise with the implicit deflator, so gold is rising with government debt, actually.
But it is a long term bet. There are carrying costs as we can see in the region between 1985 and 2001. The message from this chart is simple, when government needs central bank help, gold rises. The connector is the implied seigniorage taxes. These taxes were high at the gold default, which was a direct tax. Then after commodity markets were stabilized after government left the gold market we get a period of stability. Then Bernanke happened and seigniorage taxes hit us once again.
The key chart to look at now is excess reserves vs treasuries held. The same chart we use to measure uncertainty. We are measuring the Fed Tax. From default to default the Fed tax will rise unevenly. So this is a 40 year bet, and it looks like housing would work just as well over the period.
The correct answer for fiat banking is that gold should be better correlated with the implicit. That means we need small defaults more often to get gold aligned. If we did that then commodity volatility would reduce substantially.
But it is a long term bet. There are carrying costs as we can see in the region between 1985 and 2001. The message from this chart is simple, when government needs central bank help, gold rises. The connector is the implied seigniorage taxes. These taxes were high at the gold default, which was a direct tax. Then after commodity markets were stabilized after government left the gold market we get a period of stability. Then Bernanke happened and seigniorage taxes hit us once again.
The key chart to look at now is excess reserves vs treasuries held. The same chart we use to measure uncertainty. We are measuring the Fed Tax. From default to default the Fed tax will rise unevenly. So this is a 40 year bet, and it looks like housing would work just as well over the period.
The correct answer for fiat banking is that gold should be better correlated with the implicit. That means we need small defaults more often to get gold aligned. If we did that then commodity volatility would reduce substantially.
A better measure of uncertainty
The Fed is trying to support a market size that does not exist. This fools the economist into think it is a demand collapse. Not really, it is reduction in the depth of our value chains, reduced transaction rate as indicated by the seigniorage tax. Using the seigniorage tax to rebalance makes it worse. In fact one can see that is never worked in the last recession, we never recovered the depth in our value chains.
The dollar would be high in expectation of more exports to the USA, replacing the goods production we shut down. A deflationary effect from ever increasing Fed Tax on the retail banking sector.
Silicon Valley Oligarchs dunnit
If some Congress members get their way, the Federal Reserve may soon be able to track many of your purchases in real time and share that information with government agencies. This is just one of the problems with the proposed “digital dollar” or “fedcoin.”ron paul
No, it is actually Silicon Valley that is rejecting digital bearer assets. They do not want to lose control of add revenue and they refuse any attempt to create handheld digital bearer assets. The Fed can over rule Silicon Valley, but not until after the default when the New Fed contract comes into pay.
This is the standard method to update central bank technology.
I suspected as much
2 MLB Games Cancelled As Marlins Players Test Positive, Threatening Rest Of MLB Season
If this is bad, think about football.
Most economists are worried the it is counter productive
Economists say Congress should think big on the next rescue package
We have reached our limit. More debt raises banking taxes on the middle class creating more unemployment. It is that time of season, the can will not kick. Some residual economists are still preaching money illusion, and it is not working. Any more Fed taxes and the middle class just produces more antificants.
New Mexico governor gets tiny clue
New Mexico governor says her state is 'at the mercy of what's going on around the country'
Yes indeed, all 2 million of your voters have to compete on scale with the big states. That is what she sees, and that is not what the 50 Little Hoover crowd told her.
'Oh No, there is no Godot!' We call it the Wile E Coyote moment. Now her senators are dealing with the 1 trillion dollar pension bailout issue, in California, Illinois and New York.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Automatic portfolio optimization
Self-Driving Money Is Coming To Consumer Fintech
To really understand the value of consumer fintech, though, we need to view these platforms as the fundamental building blocks for autonomous finance, which will reshape how we interact with money.If they figure out how to do it right.
The premise of autonomous finance is that your finances should be ‘self driving’: you set the destination, and the platform figures out how to get there quickly and safely. Some elements of this exist today: roboadvisors like Wealthfront or Betterment ask questions about your age, risk tolerance, and investment goals before creating and managing plans for you. But the potential for self-driving money (a term coined by Wealthfront) is much, much bigger.
This is why Desantis fouled the covid response
As the host governor, DeSantis would’ve had a major role in putting on the convention, a duty that typically comes with a bunch of perks. Hobnobbing with influential Republicans from across the country. Introductions to deep-pocketed donors. And a prime time speaking slot to address millions of Americans watching at home.He was going to the big show and risked the lives of his own voters to do so. Like I say, Florida voters should be on suicide watch between him and Rick Scott.
When did they not request it?
The American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME) launched a national ad calling for Congress to provide $1 trillion in financial assistance to states, cities, towns and school districts in the next coronavirus relief package.
The union that represents public sector workers will stress that without more funding, its members will be laid off or furloughed and schools won’t be able to open safely, according to plans first shared with The Hill.
But our favorite economists chose to can kick and the bailout denied.
This amount of debt increases middle class bank taxes beyond repair. The Association of Regular Slobs will take a big hit on this.
We all knew this moment was arriving, covid or not.
Now the hippies did the government default then the generational changeover, and it worked. Roosevelt did a bit of the same. I suggest the New Fed meetings start, like now, before the changeover swap. Pricing will be simpler than we think when we know the Fed will make the deal, we will have bounded some of the uncertainty.
And, of course, we need both carrot and stick to hang over the small state governors. They are the bonehead congestion points, they need to see cash to think.
A balanced default hedge
Gold Futures Touch Record as Haven Demand Builds, Contract Rolls
This is a long term bet on regularly scheduled defaults. We want to make it a slightly shorter term bet, say 15 years? We actually want to make gold work, without socialist intervention simply by measuring the current economies of scale in the monetary zone, with a more balanced S&L system.
This is a long term bet on regularly scheduled defaults. We want to make it a slightly shorter term bet, say 15 years? We actually want to make gold work, without socialist intervention simply by measuring the current economies of scale in the monetary zone, with a more balanced S&L system.
Antificants causing collater damage
Protester Shot To Death In Austin
They need to force a deal onto the senators, and they are an uncoordinated mess of chaos. Minimizing volatility is a tricky business. Covid allows a 'Never let a crisis go to waste' moment, but the antificants should not take it. They want a fair deal on endogenous grounds, and then all parties can agree to a renewal process. Think hippy, antificants want to image each generation of hippy, they being one, the beatniks another. Sort of create an extension for the anificant's offspring. Make the sequence slightly smoother than before.
Primes and Markov
The number theorist wants to construct a sequence of special linear group matrices of dimension M, M getting larger. Find the points where M has run its mas and M+1 takes out another moment in the set M+1 binomials.
Construct a path from M=3, at maximum to M going up. If you can infer a slot in that path then you know more about primes. The problem translates into a problem of the uncertainty in N, total count of error correction. And as the dimensionality increased, we would expect powers of that uncertainty, and get another iLog(i) relationship if M, dimensionality, increasing, proving the prime number theory once again.
Finite aggregate systems approximate logarithm with fraction to stay stable. Maintain a smooth manifold. Better named the theory of relative primes deciding the maximum proper set of relative primes for any M dimensional aggregate system.
Construct a path from M=3, at maximum to M going up. If you can infer a slot in that path then you know more about primes. The problem translates into a problem of the uncertainty in N, total count of error correction. And as the dimensionality increased, we would expect powers of that uncertainty, and get another iLog(i) relationship if M, dimensionality, increasing, proving the prime number theory once again.
Finite aggregate systems approximate logarithm with fraction to stay stable. Maintain a smooth manifold. Better named the theory of relative primes deciding the maximum proper set of relative primes for any M dimensional aggregate system.
Economics and Markov
Call it a monetary economy.
The economic sectors are forced into value added chains so output can meet the hidden Markov model. The hidden Markov model are enforced by financial portfolios, connected to money. When the chart analyst uses the golden ratio, in various powers, they are balancing a portfolio, of various elements. One can see this as one continues this analysis up above 3 Tuples.
Money is, in essence, a fake dimension, one above the economy. The banker always wants the best and simplest binomial approximation to the economies of scale in its monetary zone. The bankers trick is that the pit boss gets first access to the bets so the interest swaps are adjusted to prevent a requant. The effect is to give the banker control over the added dimension.
The 2D S&L model expanded to the 3D model with the formal pit boss bound to a finite variance. The central bank model is a 3 tuple, and finance manages a fourth moment, the real interest swaps adjusted in shadow banking. These are all Lucas criteria complete models. Economists take notice.
The new and better model clearly shows that central bankers need independence. This lets them manage the 2D model, S&L sandbox style. Right now the Fed and Congress are measuring the unseen shadow bankers, they will certainly fail, they always do. But, by making the central bank have a reasonable, renewable periods of independence, in exchange for government writing off some losses, we get less shadow banking. Less shadow banking means Fed money is more reliable, and economics more egalitarian.
Reasonable periods means the generations should get a good 1.5 times around the circle to adjust long term portfolio. And one and a half time that, they want careers. So they should be adjusting their Fed seigniorage risk samples at twice the generational life time. The generaitons have to make two adjustments in life, split slightly uneven between retirement savings and uncovered inflation costs. Inflation defined as lost money, free paper to government, a random but balanced process, like a negative element in the portfolio.
Give the Fed a long term contract, seven years, maybe eleven or thirteen. Pick a prime just to fuck with their heads, make them pay attention. And be prepared to stamp out bogus small state governors who do not manage their senators well.
A negative element in the portfolio?
In free entry and exit, that is a balance between negative and positive, the bank balances can be treated as the white noise error variance, bound. In the central bank theory we sort of admit to MMT, we just make sure it is spectral bound to the generational accounts to minimize revolution violence each time we pass the Right to Coin. It is going round the hedging circle once. There is a cost. But so what, we just make that cost much more controllable, do a better Nixon by making it a iLog(i) process, spreading liquidity to manage the cost. If done correctly, to mathematical precision, then each agent can just have an S&L account, and the corporations are equally served with S&L accounts, there is no equity market.
Central banks cannot do this, sandbox can. In sandbox style automated S&L, the enterprises can judge the risk of a value added chain with respect to a balance binomial model of the zone economies of scale, as pit boss error is a bound, known variance. But sandbox lives quite nicely with central banks, it is neutral.
The economic sectors are forced into value added chains so output can meet the hidden Markov model. The hidden Markov model are enforced by financial portfolios, connected to money. When the chart analyst uses the golden ratio, in various powers, they are balancing a portfolio, of various elements. One can see this as one continues this analysis up above 3 Tuples.
Money is, in essence, a fake dimension, one above the economy. The banker always wants the best and simplest binomial approximation to the economies of scale in its monetary zone. The bankers trick is that the pit boss gets first access to the bets so the interest swaps are adjusted to prevent a requant. The effect is to give the banker control over the added dimension.
The 2D S&L model expanded to the 3D model with the formal pit boss bound to a finite variance. The central bank model is a 3 tuple, and finance manages a fourth moment, the real interest swaps adjusted in shadow banking. These are all Lucas criteria complete models. Economists take notice.
The new and better model clearly shows that central bankers need independence. This lets them manage the 2D model, S&L sandbox style. Right now the Fed and Congress are measuring the unseen shadow bankers, they will certainly fail, they always do. But, by making the central bank have a reasonable, renewable periods of independence, in exchange for government writing off some losses, we get less shadow banking. Less shadow banking means Fed money is more reliable, and economics more egalitarian.
Reasonable periods means the generations should get a good 1.5 times around the circle to adjust long term portfolio. And one and a half time that, they want careers. So they should be adjusting their Fed seigniorage risk samples at twice the generational life time. The generaitons have to make two adjustments in life, split slightly uneven between retirement savings and uncovered inflation costs. Inflation defined as lost money, free paper to government, a random but balanced process, like a negative element in the portfolio.
Give the Fed a long term contract, seven years, maybe eleven or thirteen. Pick a prime just to fuck with their heads, make them pay attention. And be prepared to stamp out bogus small state governors who do not manage their senators well.
A negative element in the portfolio?
In free entry and exit, that is a balance between negative and positive, the bank balances can be treated as the white noise error variance, bound. In the central bank theory we sort of admit to MMT, we just make sure it is spectral bound to the generational accounts to minimize revolution violence each time we pass the Right to Coin. It is going round the hedging circle once. There is a cost. But so what, we just make that cost much more controllable, do a better Nixon by making it a iLog(i) process, spreading liquidity to manage the cost. If done correctly, to mathematical precision, then each agent can just have an S&L account, and the corporations are equally served with S&L accounts, there is no equity market.
Central banks cannot do this, sandbox can. In sandbox style automated S&L, the enterprises can judge the risk of a value added chain with respect to a balance binomial model of the zone economies of scale, as pit boss error is a bound, known variance. But sandbox lives quite nicely with central banks, it is neutral.
Senile presidents are OK, says Biden
RNC, Trump campaign told to stop using President Reagan to raise money
Trump is the Klepto, Biden is the Senile. They complain to the wrong candidate.
Ancient times are back
"The Nile Is Ours!" Ethiopia Tweet Outrages Egypt As Giant Upstream Dam Being Filled In
Egypt is unfairly boxed in. They will have to face and defeat the Sea People once again. Russia is on their side, they have their Phoenician ally.
Egypt of the Pharaohs must return. Egypt is the missing link in Middle East stability. I propose a Russian, Egyptian alliance, Israel a supporter. Let Egypt lead the way to North African stability, support Sisi, except the USA, they need remain neutral.
Time to cut funding for small states
Hawley will only back Supreme Court picks that have said Roe v. Wade was 'wrongly decided'
Here is the problem in Missouri. Hawley, the moralist, will be Hawley the unemployed once the cash to Missouri state capital is cut.
Hawley is a disaster for efficient government. The state of Missouri, especially the governor needs to understand the cost of sending these idiots to the swamp.
DeSantis is a bit of idiot
Coronavirus ravaged Florida, as Ron DeSantis sidelined scientists and followed Trump
As the virus spread out of control in Florida, decision-making became increasingly shaped by politics and divorced from scientific evidence according to interviews with 64 current and former state and administration officials, health administrators, epidemiologists, political operatives and hospital executives. The crisis in Florida, these observers say, has revealed the shortcomings of a response built on shifting metrics, influenced by a small group of advisers and tethered at every stage to the Trump administration, which has no unified plan for addressing the national health emergency but has pushed for states to reopen.Florida voters got a mental issue. First, siding with Rick Scott they decide to shoot up their own children. Then siding with DeSantis they get covid. Florida voters have more efficient methods to end their own lives, leave government out of it.
DeSantis relies primarily on the advice of his wife, Casey, a former television reporter and host, and his chief of staff, Shane Strum, a former hospital executive, according to multiple Republican political operatives, including a former member of his administration.
Biden soars ahead of my chihuahua
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Val Demings has already been vice president.Much better than Kamala, and she is pure Black, none of the mixed race stuff. She likes cops, she understands the Second amendment.
In 1972, the future Florida congresswoman was a young Black girl struggling to make friends at a predominantly white Jacksonville high school. She and her best friend, Vera Hartley, created the Charisma Club. Hartley was president and Demings was her second-in-command.
“We created an environment of inclusion,” Hartley said, recalling how she and Demings invited white students to join. Then “we were able to get into other clubs.”
Nearly four decades later, Demings is again being considered for vice president — this time by presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. As a Black woman with a background in policing who hails from America’s premier battleground state, Demings has honed the charisma she learned in high school to build a rapid national profile.
My chihuahua may drop out of Biden takes this gal, and her campaign manager is quite concerned.
So it really is a TOE
Hidden Markov nets work both for physics and finance portfolio management. It tells us how physics distributed charge, spin and magnetism. And it tells us how to hedge a portfolio of investments. Thus it also informs us on economies of scale and skew problems in the USA government system. It tells us how much damage the Fed Taxes are on the middle class (market sizing uncetrainty for economies of scale). It reshapes the science of economics, opening up the analysis of all transactions, including government. It handles the Lucas criteria. And hidden Markov theory has been around, and is already popular regardless of anything I write about. It tells us how trading pits self organize, setting the stage for sandbox.
The same theory explains compounding interest charges as a balancing tool for a complete depreciation sequence in some sector. It correctly does not use time nor space.
The same theory explains compounding interest charges as a balancing tool for a complete depreciation sequence in some sector. It correctly does not use time nor space.
Seigniorage taxes
Why Are Republicans Being Such Assholes?
At this point more debt raises taxes on the middle class in proportion to the Fed balance sheet. So we simply generate more unemployed each time we do the stimulus.Gun running is big business for small states
Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Blames Other States for Chicago’s Gun Violence Problem
Hence the warping of the Second, it is mainly a state scale issue. Out of state gun sales are a big part of the business, and should be a regulated activity under the commerce clause. It is not contributing to a secure regulated militia, in fact, it has the opposite effect.
Tranforming the problem
Here is my game.
You can pick one of three colors, and make the light get brighter. The light cannot go above a limit, else you lose one round. But if you make six moves and keep the light below max, you win one round. After six safe rounds, the three colors will be at their error minimum count. The light changes brigthness after two moves.
We know some things. The light bulb must be quantized under uncertainty because my guesses will not be consistent. I think this is it. I need to know the surfaces the follows minimum uncertainty.
From there we can make some quickies. I want to stabilize my error counts so the brightness levels become clear.
So, I want my selections to be equally likely. I need a relative count and probability close to log relative count, it must look as Gaussian as any of the other counters.
The counters will be modulo to six, in some fashion. So we give them two angles of separation and one of radius, like and good college kid. These too will be quantized to a surface, zero point at the bottom, as will the Lie graph. There will be a surface path, geodesic, having the complete minimum sequence of brightness. Markov is about finding the perpendicular of that surface, and centering it then quantizing it.
It will be characterized as a separation of three error surfaces. And there is some Lie group stuff that applies.
One complete sequence is xyz, in integers. Each of them characterized by binomials, matched by matching error value and relative count. In essence there are selections from the binomial

At stability, each of my color error distribution must be a horizontal on this tree.Relative likelihood and relative error matched to look like a fair coin flip. There will be an optimum integer solution to the number of fair coin flips per color.
Simple solution. The minimum brightness is 111. From here I have discrete Poisson solution to match my discrete binomial. I want to count up to the maximum amount, six.
(One of my angles separates the colors in sequence, c^2 + s^2 guides the options. The other measures the difference in a near perpendicular, c^2-s^2 = 1 I will have a salad bowl.
The discrete Poisson is the relative arrival times, as the two angles are independent even though the flat angle count is almost integer. The relative arrival times expanded to accommodate the independence. The relative arrival count is really a unit of frequency, bandwidth. It is delta hyperbolic angle times delta circular angle.
My feeble mind has trouble sorting probability and frequency and finite counts and combined uncertainty. But I think this one does it better than my previous.
Count the tree, those coefficients on the left flank need to be sum to multiple of multiple of three if my binomials are balanced. That is because I know I have a multiple of three needed to adjust the center position, I need to adjust my unfair coin by some 1/3, as that will be the closest match.
They all have to roll over to the minimum count, the left flank. So we can see three fixation points which match the three moments. The center, and the two left flanks all have a algebraic relationship.
This little discovery:
He is just accommodating the extra uncertainty of the circular component, giving it 1/3 of the bandwidth. Then he says the bandwidth must obey the golden ration, if the binomials are optimumly aligned and there is no better solution, he must be haviig the most irrational round off error.
Nothing here is restricted to 3D, but the total N goes way up. The adjustment is removing the Mth moment in the distribution.
You can pick one of three colors, and make the light get brighter. The light cannot go above a limit, else you lose one round. But if you make six moves and keep the light below max, you win one round. After six safe rounds, the three colors will be at their error minimum count. The light changes brigthness after two moves.
We know some things. The light bulb must be quantized under uncertainty because my guesses will not be consistent. I think this is it. I need to know the surfaces the follows minimum uncertainty.
From there we can make some quickies. I want to stabilize my error counts so the brightness levels become clear.
So, I want my selections to be equally likely. I need a relative count and probability close to log relative count, it must look as Gaussian as any of the other counters.
The counters will be modulo to six, in some fashion. So we give them two angles of separation and one of radius, like and good college kid. These too will be quantized to a surface, zero point at the bottom, as will the Lie graph. There will be a surface path, geodesic, having the complete minimum sequence of brightness. Markov is about finding the perpendicular of that surface, and centering it then quantizing it.
It will be characterized as a separation of three error surfaces. And there is some Lie group stuff that applies.
One complete sequence is xyz, in integers. Each of them characterized by binomials, matched by matching error value and relative count. In essence there are selections from the binomial

At stability, each of my color error distribution must be a horizontal on this tree.Relative likelihood and relative error matched to look like a fair coin flip. There will be an optimum integer solution to the number of fair coin flips per color.
Simple solution. The minimum brightness is 111. From here I have discrete Poisson solution to match my discrete binomial. I want to count up to the maximum amount, six.
(One of my angles separates the colors in sequence, c^2 + s^2 guides the options. The other measures the difference in a near perpendicular, c^2-s^2 = 1 I will have a salad bowl.
The discrete Poisson is the relative arrival times, as the two angles are independent even though the flat angle count is almost integer. The relative arrival times expanded to accommodate the independence. The relative arrival count is really a unit of frequency, bandwidth. It is delta hyperbolic angle times delta circular angle.
My feeble mind has trouble sorting probability and frequency and finite counts and combined uncertainty. But I think this one does it better than my previous.
Count the tree, those coefficients on the left flank need to be sum to multiple of multiple of three if my binomials are balanced. That is because I know I have a multiple of three needed to adjust the center position, I need to adjust my unfair coin by some 1/3, as that will be the closest match.
They all have to roll over to the minimum count, the left flank. So we can see three fixation points which match the three moments. The center, and the two left flanks all have a algebraic relationship.
This little discovery:
Moreover, he pointed out that, an approximation of the original Diophantine equation, is equivalent to
with f(t) = arcosh(3t/2).[6] The conjecture was proved[disputed – discuss] by Greg McShane and Igor Rivin in 1995 using techniques from hyperbolic geometry.[7]The nth Lagrange number can be calculated from the nth Markov number with the formula
He is just accommodating the extra uncertainty of the circular component, giving it 1/3 of the bandwidth. Then he says the bandwidth must obey the golden ration, if the binomials are optimumly aligned and there is no better solution, he must be haviig the most irrational round off error.
Nothing here is restricted to 3D, but the total N goes way up. The adjustment is removing the Mth moment in the distribution.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
It was disaster time anyway
Obama's Top Economist Warns Of Catastrophic Risk To Economy If Stimulus Lapses
Larry Summers has run this flag up the pole one too many times.
Pentagon supporting the New Ottomans
Pentagon Releases Satellite Photos Of Greatly Expanded Russian Presence In Libya
And we will regret this pentagon policy for years to come. Yet no one in the Swamp has the brains to decode the import of it all.
A bad rulling to compensate for a previous bad ruling
The decision strikes down a suit from Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley, which argued that it was being treated unfairly compared with other businesses in the state. While places of worship in Nevada have a hard 50-person limit amid the coronavirus pandemic, businesses such as casinos and restaurants can operate at half of their fire-code capacities. This discrepancy was a violation of the First Amendment, the church asserted in the suit.
Alioto got it right in the dissent.
But they were encumbered by their previous Religion ruling which was really a due process case. They are not that smart, most of them the result of court packing or affirmative action. Now they are hopelessly wandering the wilderness.
My chihuahua is your next resident
Harris seen as Biden VP favorite as clock ticks
Horrid result, Biden might just lose. She gives nothing to the campaign except trouble across the heartland. My chihuahua, Little Missie, just shot ahead in the polls, favored to win by ten points.
Seems obvious now
Areas that eased their initial COVID-19 lockdowns and now have surging infection rates are a testament to all that has gone wrong in the pandemic. The lesson from day one still holds: until the virus is defeated, there can be no return to normal.Project Syndicate got this one right.
Stimulus will not help much unless it is targeted at covid research. At this point, increasing the Fed tax liability offsets a good portion of the unemployment insurance. Multipliers are way down.
Inverse sampling
I found the math for what I was thinking.
It is not probability of an event in Markov condition, it is number trials until an event event. The angle from arccosh is really an index into the possible numbers of trials. I still think about it now and then, but the pros are way ahead of me.
It is not probability of an event in Markov condition, it is number trials until an event event. The angle from arccosh is really an index into the possible numbers of trials. I still think about it now and then, but the pros are way ahead of me.
The Brookings institute dunnit!
Meet the Steele Dossier's 'Primary Subsource': Fabulist Russian From Democrat Think Tank Whose Boozy Past the FBI Ignored
The Brookings management was on board the program of digging up dirt. Who else was around at the time? Why none other than Ben Bernanke who was well established at Brookings at the time. And that explains much of the economic ignorance about how banking works.
The mysterious “Primary Subsource” that Christopher Steele has long hidden behind to defend his discredited Trump-Russia dossier is a former Brookings Institution analyst
The Brookings management was on board the program of digging up dirt. Who else was around at the time? Why none other than Ben Bernanke who was well established at Brookings at the time. And that explains much of the economic ignorance about how banking works.
Internet media is going broke
The subscription requirement is now common place. But the casual reader is not pulling our a long term contract to read an article.
This is where secure personal ID and bearer cash make its mark. I want to pull out my card, keep it handy, and when an article needs reading, I will tap my card on my screen and they get the ten cents and I read the article. This is not affordable with current ATM card technology, and currently the bank charges would be too extreme.
This is where secure personal ID and bearer cash make its mark. I want to pull out my card, keep it handy, and when an article needs reading, I will tap my card on my screen and they get the ten cents and I read the article. This is not affordable with current ATM card technology, and currently the bank charges would be too extreme.
Political earmark engineered by Ted Cruz
It remains somewhat unclear exactly what purpose the newest branch of the American military, the U.S. Space Force, is supposed to serve,
What happened to plain facts? This was one hundred percent earmark, the scourge of US government. A complete and total wasted effort designed only to put Texas in the R camp, absolute political pay off, almost to the point of corruption.
Texas Space Cadets!
What happened to plain facts? This was one hundred percent earmark, the scourge of US government. A complete and total wasted effort designed only to put Texas in the R camp, absolute political pay off, almost to the point of corruption.
Texas Space Cadets!
Governors fouled the covid thing
A clear case of governors unable to grasp a bit of microbiology. Now what?
There is only one ting, find a way to disable the covid, push the research, think out of the box.
There is only one ting, find a way to disable the covid, push the research, think out of the box.
The Supremes are getting more confused, not less
White House Slams SCOTUS Decision Putting Nevada Entertainment Ahead Of Churches
And local politicians are clueless about the constitution. The federal judiciary is now a complete mess. I think government is getting stupider, not smarter, with time. The religion problem is quite easily solved, politicians simply need to avoid separate regulations. The effect is inconsequential and avoids a huge, constant tangle with our wandering Supremes.And affirmative acting in the middle of it all
The Biden Campaign: Disease, Depression, & Racial Discord
He was supposed to seek the pragmatic conservative angle. My chihuahua has moved past Biden in the polls around here. He is too apologetic about being a bad toddler.Friday, July 24, 2020
Didn't happen the last time
The Dumbest Thing Said About the Debt Ceiling ... So Far
So, why not improve the process? It Mathew Philips, the author, claiming we have gotten dumber over the years? That may be the case, I have not seen much intelligence from our central bankers. But the mathematicians are confident, it is a probability game and we know how to play it, a lot better.
I am not worried as long as an appropriate method of defaulting is available top Fed researchers, they will find it, they are not permanently uneducated.
Wait, really?Nixon, and Roosevelt actually defaulted on out obligations. It went errratically for Nixon, and for Roosevelt we ended up in WW2. But the o9ne was an improvement on the other. Nixon did not face a world war afterwards, and he quit carpet bombing rice farmers and the subsequent body count was low. So we face a 15% inflation for a few years, yes.
In a recent interview with the Washington Post, freshman Representative Ted Yoho, a Tea Party-backed Republican from Florida’s 3rd District, said the following about the possibility of the U.S. defaulting on its debt:
“I think, personally, it would bring stability to the world markets.”
If by “stability” he means an unholy amount of fear and chaos rippling through the world’s financial markets, where basically all lending freezes up and the world’s safest, most liquid asset (U.S. debt) loses all its credibility, then yes, he’s right. A default would bring about all those things.
So, why not improve the process? It Mathew Philips, the author, claiming we have gotten dumber over the years? That may be the case, I have not seen much intelligence from our central bankers. But the mathematicians are confident, it is a probability game and we know how to play it, a lot better.
I am not worried as long as an appropriate method of defaulting is available top Fed researchers, they will find it, they are not permanently uneducated.
The standard precedented moment
Jim Grant "Confidently Bullish" Gold & Silver Amid "Unprecedented Monetary Moment"
Jim has read history, there is no need for hyperbole.
A cliff that has been around for 20 years
Newsom: California on “the edge of a cliff” — more executive orders likely
Mostly driven by pension obligations.
And Jerry Brown's two tiered pension settlement is making the problem flare up worse.
Bad security
More Than 1,000 People Could Access Twitter's "God Mode"
In this climate of censorship and manipulation that is too many people.
Let the tweeter users decide on their own, sell them permanent, secure personal encryption. Telegram does this.
Censorship and its advantages
Google Search Blacklists Major Conservative Websites in New Censorship Purge
Like the QAnon, make an open fact into a secret conspiracy to get clicks.
This blog is mostly censored or ignored. That means folks who read this blog need never worry about stealing intellectual content, there is none (pun intended). So censorship is a king of open sourcing. Censorship will never work on the internet in general for this reason.
The Null hypothesis identified
New York Times podcast argues ‘white parents’ main problem with public education system
About 80% if education happens because of white parents teaching their kids. I couldn't listen their podcast, too much self promotion and I need written articles.
But the key to better education is better parents. Sorry to teachers union, but this in fact ha been so well revealed that even the NY times is complaining about parents dominating education.
Just avoiding global warming axes
Joe Biden's $2 Trillion Green New Deal Is Just a Worn-Out Democratic Jobs Program
Dems have been faking the global warming problem since Diane Feinstein, 50 years ago. This is their third time faking the global warming solution. In every case the result is more global warming, not less, as energy inefficiency rises.
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