Thursday, July 30, 2020

Hezbollah is a private militia

"Defending Lebanon is not a military and political jurisdiction of a group of Lebanese," added the movement, pointing to the government's "suspicious absence" from the southern border with only a condemnation made 24 hours after the actual incident occurred.
Lebanese Forces Party leader Samir Geagea told the Associated Press that "Monday’s military activity along the border with Israel was a clear indication the current Hezbollah-backed Lebanese government, doesn't have sovereignty in the south, along Israel’s border, where thousands of UN peacekeepers are based.”
“Which Arab and foreign countries want to deal with a government that considers itself nonexistent at a time when there is a security danger along its border?” added Geagea, stressing that as soon as Hezbollah "withdraws its fighters from Yemen, Syria and Iraq, and stops implementing Iran's policy, the Arab countries will rethink restoring their relations with Lebanon."
A lousy one and some other politicians want to try a socialist government militia.  What a mess.

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