Tuesday, July 28, 2020

How did we get us?

Who are we? We are mechanical bioskins managed by white blood civilization.

Between our bioskins and the chromosone algebra is, once again, has the coffee cup slosh effect where a rare moment, Markov 3 Tuple looks better as a 4 tuple.   How many things can one do with replicating protein sequencers occurring on a semi regular basis. You will get surfaces approximating round things, having a round regularity. Assuming the sun is shining, forcing the momentary coffee cup effect. Protein sequences which count that period modulo some integer win the skin game. Then those skin sequences, once again, appear 3D in total. Multi layer salad bowls, in up and down spin partition.  Soon we got a model of skin. It as like a plot? Na, there isn't that many things to do in three dimensional worlds.

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